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Autism Children

Children, Parents, and Societal Attitudes

Children with autism hold a unique place. There are varying degrees of it. Some children are very slow, while others fall into the hyperactivity category. Both of these conditions impact their ability to understand. Children on the autism spectrum often face difficulties expressing emotions and interacting with others.

 Understanding their needs is very difficult. Since these children don't fall under the category of "special children," they appear completely normal in appearance, making it challenging to understand their ASD condition. Parents of autistic children face numerous obstacles in every area of life. The challenges they face are vast and complex.

 The journey of these parents is tough and begins with their family, as there is not much awareness about autism in our society. As a result, people already have preconceived notions, which not only stigmatize the child but also the parents.

 Ignorance about autism is an unfortunate problem that many parents face, and wherever they go, they spend most of their time explaining to people that their child only has some difficulties, and nothing else. Parents of autistic children set aside their desires and focus all their attention on their child's well-being.

 They do all this out of love for their child. Additionally, parents face a delicate financial situation due to the high costs associated with addressing the many issues linked to raising these children, as their treatment methods are very expensive. Many parents have to sacrifice their careers for their care or work double shifts.

 The reality is that these parents often age prematurely due to mental and physical exhaustion. Along with physical labor, the mental strain of worrying not just about the child's present but also their future overwhelms parents. Raising these children becomes even more difficult for parents when members of society do not understand their issues. These children often display unusual behavior in public rather than in isolation, causing parents deep embarrassment.

 The reactions of people vary, as every individual in society has a different response. Not everyone is sensitive, kind, or accepting. These negative reactions directly affect both the child and the parents. This leads to social isolation for the parents. Due to people's varying attitudes, they reach a level of sensitivity where they feel forced, guilty, and become confused, angry, or depressed.

 Autistic children are treated through therapies, and sometimes medications are used to calm their minds, enabling them to function somewhat in society. However, both these treatment methods are very expensive and time-consuming. Government-level institutions should be established in every city to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment of autistic children, as proper treatment allows many children to return to a more normal life.

 The government should take greater responsibility in this regard and set up centers for autistic children in regular schools in every city. Furthermore, there should be widespread public awareness about autism so that these children can become better members of society.


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Autism Children

Children, Parents, and Societal Attitudes Children with autism hold a unique place . There are varying degrees of it. Some children are v...