Along with economic problems, social pressures and family expectations also push people towards illegal migration
Europe has always been a dream for Pakistani people. A dream that some people take legal means to achieve, but some people, especially those with financial difficulties, resort to illegal means.
These paths are similar to gambling, but in this gambling, not money, but lives are at stake. If he wins, illegal entry into Europe is possible, but if he loses, he surrenders his life and his family's dreams to the merciless waves of the Mediterranean.
The problem of illegal migration through human trafficking is not new, but it has given rise to many tragic stories in recent years. According to the report of the Foreign Office, five Pakistani victims of human trafficking lost their lives during the night of 14 and 15 December 2024 while trying to enter the Greek maritime borders. Three of these unfortunate persons belonged to different districts of Punjab.
The most heartbreaking incident is the death of thirteen-year-old Muhammad Abid, whose name is included in the list of the dead. Under what compulsion would this young child, who had not even tasted the early joys of life, leave the affection of his parents and embark on this fatal journey? This question is enough to shake our social and national conscience.
A similar incident took place in the year 2023 as well, the major tragedy that sparked intense debate on the issue of human trafficking across Pakistan. About 262 people lost their lives in this tragedy. National and social media are hot on this topicHeated debates ensued and in the face of public pressure, the government made big claims and promises to end the problem. However, even today the question remains that why the government failed to implement these promises? Did the efforts to get to the root of the problems failed or were all these statements just temporary political tactics?
The question is, why do Pakistanis prefer to be a part of the dangerous game of death instead of living in their own country? If one considers the factors that force Pakistanis to migrate illegally, the fact emerges that these reasons are rooted in the failure of our social, economic, social and political system.
Among all these problems, the biggest and most fundamental problem is economic destruction. Rising.
Along with economic problems, social pressures and family expectations also push people towards illegal migration. Such individuals take dangerous paths in life in an attempt to fulfill their dreams. Those who take illegal routes, face life and death risks. Now we must discuss those who travel legally under duress.
Educated youth who are disillusioned with the prospect of a better future at home spend huge sums of money to go to Europe. Once there, they do menial jobs like security guards, hotel waiters, or taxi drivers, but these jobs earn more than any top job in Pakistan.
After all, how will it be tolerated?
This question makes the heart flutter whether the moment will be easy when a mother says goodbye to her child, or when a father sends his heart on the most difficult journey of life.
We are adherents of an ideology and belief in which governance is based on justice, mercy and welfare of the people. The same system in which it was said that if even a dog died of hunger on the bank of the river, then the account must be given to the ruler. History bears witness that our leaders used to stay awake at night and patrol the streets and neighborhoods to ensure that no one sleeps hungry. If there was knowledge of someone in need, the rulers themselves would have loaded the goods on their shoulders and reached out to help.
n the context of these examples, our current rulers need to think. Those people who die in search of better employment and life, they will also be held accountable by the rulers. This responsibility is not limited to stories of the past, but requires practical steps in today's era.
Educated youth who spend lakhs of rupees to go abroad are forced to do menial jobs. Engineers, doctors and masters degree holders who become security guards, hotel waiters or taxi drivers instead of working according to their qualifications are wasting their talents.
If suitable business opportunities are provided to these youth within the country, not only will their education and skills be properly utilized, but they will also be able to avoid being humiliated and humiliated. As a result, when the educated youth will play a role in the country's economy, the economy will be stable, the quality of life of the people will improve due to the increase in employment opportunities.
The sacrifices of those who lose their lives in search of better employment is enough to make us realize that we have to reform our economic, social and political systems. Only then will we be able to become a strong and independent nation, where no one has to risk their lives to fulfill their dreams.