Proper Nutrition and Exercise


Just as life is a great gift from Allah Almighty, good health is also an invaluable blessing from nature. Maintaining good health plays a vital role in experiencing the joys and pleasures of life to the fullest. In fact, only a healthy person can truly enjoy the blessings and delights bestowed by Allah. It is rightly said that health is a thousand blessings.

The natural system has placed an automatic mechanism within our bodies to protect our health and keep our bodies functioning properly for an appropriate period. The human body has an automatic defense system that constantly works to eliminate numerous diseases naturally. For example, our mouths produce countless harmful bacteria daily, which can be extremely harmful to various organs, especially our hearts. However, when a person walks briskly and breathes deeply, the rapid intake of air kills numerous dangerous bacteria as soon as the mouth opens. It seems that through proper exercise, our bodies obtain countless benefits that are not commonly known to us.

Research has proven that as humans age, their blood vessels become stiffer, leading to increased risk of heart conditions. With mild exercise, not only do muscles become more flexible and the mind clearer, but it also facilitates better blood flow through the vessels. Therefore, incorporating appropriate exercise into life is essential. For older individuals, simply walking around the house may be sufficient.

healthy and prosperous life. Consuming proper and nutritious food is crucial for living a healthy life along with various other factors. Therefore, one should make consuming such food a part of their daily routine, which is rich in nutrition. The human body requires water, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals on a daily basis for better functioning. Therefore, efforts should be made to consume food that is prepared according to the principles of health preservation.

To achieve good health, adhering to some basic principles can help individuals avoid many complications. For example, cleanliness and hygiene are very important for good health. Timely eating and balanced diet, along with a balanced work and rest routine, can be very beneficial for human health.

Consuming healthy food does not mean that one should eat to their fill and never leave space for breathing. Some people pay a lot of attention to meat, while one small burger or a large steak per week is sufficient meat intake for human body requirements. Fish and chicken can also be eaten once a week, while the rest of the protein requirement can be fulfilled through vegetables. Fruits and vegetables should be an essential part of our diet. Nature has created various things for us, and using them appropriately can help in maintaining human health. Instead of consuming one thing excessively, a variety of foods should be eaten so that the body continues to receive nutrition according to its needs.

Research shows that a diet rich in fiber is very beneficial for humans. Researchers suggest that the daily diet should include 25 grams of fiber, while 30 grams is more appropriate. Fiber naturally reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It also helps control weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels. Fiber can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, pasta made from bran, lentils, chickpeas, fruits, and seeds. An average-sized banana contains about three grams of fiber, while half a cup of cooked lentils, a large slice of brown bread, cooked rice, and apple peel all contain four grams of fiber.

Our health is related not only to our body but also to our emotions. Not controlling anger and emotions can be harmful to human health. Therefore, efforts should be made to keep our thoughts pure. Just as envy destroys goodness, it also harms the human body. Therefore, adopting good morals and avoiding bad habits can be extremely beneficial for human health and soul. Consuming clean and pure food leads to the production of clean and healthy blood in the body, which also affects human thoughts, ideas, and intentions, thus having an impact on the human soul.

Therefore, consume clean food for the health of your body and soul. Include pure thoughts and positive perspectives in your thoughts, intentions, and ideas, so that our body and soul become pure.

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