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Autism Children

Children, Parents, and Societal Attitudes

Children with autism hold a unique place. There are varying degrees of it. Some children are very slow, while others fall into the hyperactivity category. Both of these conditions impact their ability to understand. Children on the autism spectrum often face difficulties expressing emotions and interacting with others.

 Understanding their needs is very difficult. Since these children don't fall under the category of "special children," they appear completely normal in appearance, making it challenging to understand their ASD condition. Parents of autistic children face numerous obstacles in every area of life. The challenges they face are vast and complex.

 The journey of these parents is tough and begins with their family, as there is not much awareness about autism in our society. As a result, people already have preconceived notions, which not only stigmatize the child but also the parents.

 Ignorance about autism is an unfortunate problem that many parents face, and wherever they go, they spend most of their time explaining to people that their child only has some difficulties, and nothing else. Parents of autistic children set aside their desires and focus all their attention on their child's well-being.

 They do all this out of love for their child. Additionally, parents face a delicate financial situation due to the high costs associated with addressing the many issues linked to raising these children, as their treatment methods are very expensive. Many parents have to sacrifice their careers for their care or work double shifts.

 The reality is that these parents often age prematurely due to mental and physical exhaustion. Along with physical labor, the mental strain of worrying not just about the child's present but also their future overwhelms parents. Raising these children becomes even more difficult for parents when members of society do not understand their issues. These children often display unusual behavior in public rather than in isolation, causing parents deep embarrassment.

 The reactions of people vary, as every individual in society has a different response. Not everyone is sensitive, kind, or accepting. These negative reactions directly affect both the child and the parents. This leads to social isolation for the parents. Due to people's varying attitudes, they reach a level of sensitivity where they feel forced, guilty, and become confused, angry, or depressed.

 Autistic children are treated through therapies, and sometimes medications are used to calm their minds, enabling them to function somewhat in society. However, both these treatment methods are very expensive and time-consuming. Government-level institutions should be established in every city to ensure timely diagnosis and treatment of autistic children, as proper treatment allows many children to return to a more normal life.

 The government should take greater responsibility in this regard and set up centers for autistic children in regular schools in every city. Furthermore, there should be widespread public awareness about autism so that these children can become better members of society.

Teachers build nations

 Teachers are both advisors and friends to students

The World Teachers' Day is celebrated annually on October 5th, recognizing the remarkable contributions of teachers, teachers' organizations, and educational institutions in shaping and nurturing future leaders. In 1994, UNESCO officially designated October 5th as World Teachers' Day, and since then, this day has been observed with great dedication every year.

World Teachers' Day is a special occasion that emotionally connects both teachers and students. For teachers, it is a moment of appreciation as their efforts and hard work are acknowledged not only by students but also by school administrations, parents, and various other institutions. For students, it is an opportunity to express their gratitude to those teachers who have made a positive impact on their lives. On this day, parents also have the chance to appreciate the performance of their children’s teachers by sending them congratulatory letters. In today's era, through social media, we can express our gratitude to various teachers for their outstanding services. Students can offer their teachers bouquets, chocolates, greeting cards, or thank them through portraits, poetry, and drawings. Well-off students, with their parents' permission, can organize luncheons, dinners, or parties in recognition of their teachers’ services. Additionally, students can post pictures of their teachers on social media to express their admiration......

Alongside teaching, teachers also nurture their students, preparing them for a better future because teachers are the true embodiment of knowledge and wisdom. They raise awareness among students and the general public, serving as a beacon of light for those lost in the darkness of ignorance. Our teachers are the real pillars of our success. They help us acquire knowledge, refine our abilities, boost our confidence, and guide us in choosing the path to success. Despite playing such a significant role in shaping the lives of students and building the nation, teachers are rarely appreciated as much as they deserve. Therefore, as students, parents, school administrations, and responsible citizens, it is our duty to thank them and wholeheartedly acknowledge their sacrifices. World Teachers' Day provides an ideal opportunity for us to fulfill this responsibility......

Teachers work tirelessly every day to encourage, guide, educate, and train us and our children. If we take a moment to reflect on our childhood or adolescence, at least one teacher will come to mind who helped shape our personality, taught us new skills, guided us in choosing the right field, motivated us to work hard, showed us the value of respect, encouraged us to remain determined despite challenges, made a seemingly dull subject fascinating, and provided positive guidance in many other ways. You may also recall or currently observe teachers who not only fulfill their primary role of teaching but also take on several other responsibilities. Teachers act as advisors and friends to their students. Many teachers even become guardians for their students, helping them navigate difficult circumstances and setting them on the path to a brighter future......

Though teaching is a noble profession, it is equally challenging and complex. In today’s advanced era, it seems that teachers face more difficulties than ever before. Some of the issues they encounter daily in the classroom include disruptive and inappropriate environments, lack of resources, time constraints, insufficient professional development, excessive and unrealistic expectations from school administrations and parents, and a lack of moral support. The large number of students in the classroom also limits the teachers' ability to provide individual attention. Teachers build nations, but in many developing countries, their salaries and benefits are meager, depriving them of the status they rightfully deserve in society. Despite all these challenges, teachers continue to play a vital role in the restoration of education, fulfilling their duties with dedication......

Since teachers prepare students for the future, it is crucial that they also recognize the importance of their demanding and delicate role. They must be ready to embrace every challenge, adapt to changing circumstances, and acquire new skills and modern teaching methods to overcome the obstacles that hinder the proper education of students......

On World Teachers' Day, school administrations, along with students, should decorate the school and organize events to thank the teachers for their selfless services. Ensure that every teacher is individually spoken to, expressing admiration for them. Some teachers may be going through difficulties, so this occasion can be an opportunity to offer them support. Additionally, certificates, shields, and gifts should be distributed among the teachers. If possible, offer them cash prizes or salary increases to further motivate them to contribute positively to the nation’s progress with greater enthusiasm, confidence, and passion.....


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Autism Children

Children, Parents, and Societal Attitudes Children with autism hold a unique place . There are varying degrees of it. Some children are v...