15 DEEPEST Holes on Earth( P2 )


15 DEEPEST Holes on Earth ( P2 )


what a mile a sinkhole don't matter where you live there's always a slight risk that a sinkhole could open up beneath your home or Street and swallow up everything above it luckily these events are quite rare but human activity can on some occasions make it far more likely this image was taken of a sinkhole that opened up in the streets of Guatemala City in 2010 and as you can see the 300 foot deep and 60 foot wide crater took everything with him sinkholes aren't that uncommon in the city after all he was built in a place where the first few thousand feet of ground is made up of volcanic debris that can be eroded more easily than normal earth but this particular hole  was much bigger than anyone thought possible after investigation though it began to appear increasingly likely that it was the result of construction works it happened soon after a rainstorm that saturated the ground with water and would have disturbed the top layer but it's thought that either a burst water pipe or a drain pipe have been releasing water into the cavity for far longer and it's slowly been carving the hole out and just needed an extra push to open it luckily when it happened there were no people above it because if they had been it wouldn't have stood a chance

Sinkhole in Louisiana

 this video was recorded by John Boyd wrote a resident of bio court in Louisiana and as you'll see it shows how quickly a sinkhole can open and how destructive it can be Venus friends have noticed the trees moving in a telltale way and they were sure a sinkhole was about to open up beneath the flooded ground and sat on a boat they trained their camera on the area and waited for the inevitable take place at first they're moving so slowly it's not even clear what's happening but they start to sink at a much faster rate and it hardly seems real the water starts raging and the trees begin to plummet into the gap that's opened up beneath them and in just a few moments that gone without a trace sinkholes are surprisingly common there are more than,  6,500 insurance claims the damage caused  by them each year in Florida alone no records are kept of the total number across the US but it likely numbers in the hundreds of thousands if you include ones that aren't reported so next time you feel the ground shake and brace yourself for an earthquake just make sure you're not actually experiencing one these open it up instead 

The Dead Sea holds

 the Dead Sea is so named because the water has such high mineral concentrations but in recent years changes in the environment have led to a series of giant sinkholes open it up on its shores the sea is actually shrinking and a surprisingly fast rate of about 3 feet a year because water has been diverted away from the rivers that feed it the consequence of this is now making it dangerous for visitors and raising questions about whether people should even be allowed to go there at all as the salty water recedes fresh groundwater wells up through the ground and dissolves the layers of salt that have been deposited by the sea over thousands of years this creates large cavities beneath the surface and once they breach through the top layer a sinkhole is formed there's no pattern to where they appear and efforts are underway to try and predict where the next ones will form without the ability to do so there'll be an increase in danger that  some will be sucked in and if they are  they'll be virtually no way to rescue them

Udhas Naiya pipe

 the Udhas nays pipe is a deposit of diamonds in the  sakha republic in Russia it's just outside the Arctic Circle and since it was first discovered in 1955 it has become the third deepest open-pit mine in the world owned in the troll by Hal Rosa a Russian diamond company it descends more than 2,100 feet beneath the surface and is one of the most productive diamond mines in the world is estimated to contain in the region of 225 point 8 million carats of diamonds which equate to a weight of 45 point 16 tones and with the current technologies more than ten point four million carats are retrieved every year when you see the mine in all its glory from aerial shots you can see how astonishingly huge it is the ridges along its walls are purposefully designed to provide ground access for vehicles into the central pit of the mine and with current progress operations should be able to continue for at least another 20 years when all the diamonds have been removed however no one quite knows what will happen to the hole it'll likely just be left there rather than being filled in and will remain a testament to the extent we as a species will go to acquire the things we  deem most valuable

The forest of Guan XI

 China's forest of guanxi is a huge region covered with a thick canopy of trees but when a giant sinkhole opened up in the researchers were desperate to take a closer look what they'd find when they got there in 2018 was what they described as a world-class geological wonder the sinkhole leads to a huge underground cavern that has an estimated volume of 236 million cubic feet the expedition team carefully lowered themselves the 387 feet to the cave floor and measured the structure has been 328 feet wide and 656 feet long in it there are stone corridors holes craters stone pillars and strange rock formations called cave pearls which are formed by water that passes over small pieces of stones over centuries and they smooth them into perfect spheres they also discovered a shaft that led from the cave into an underground river which itself led to the nearby pan yang River discoveries like this are vital to understanding what lies beneath the surface of our planet and it's thought that the crust could be more like a honeycomb than being made of a thick rock there could potentially be thousands of caves of this size underneath the surface across the world and we'd have very little chance of knowing about them until it's too late.

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