15 Most Dangerous Places on Earth (p2)
planet Earth has some of the most breathtaking landscapes but unlike tourist
fills cities and towns there are a few places no human should ever dare to
visit here are the 15 most dangerous places on earth -Part2
Danakil desert Eritrea
hell on
earth and the world's most inhospitable place our nicknames rightfully given to
the Danakil desert in Eritrea if these
nicknames weren't enough to paint a picture of how dangerous this place
truly is let's dig a little deeper the Sun favors one place on earth and that place sits in Eritrea
Africa located in Northeast Ethiopia it's the land the afar people call home
Danakil desert with an average
year-round temperature with an average year-round temperature of 95 degrees
Fahrenheit this African desert is .one
of the hottest scorching places on earth but the dry in hot weather aren't the
only features of this astounding desert across
.hundreds of miles stands the denti-cal depression a place where three
tectonic plates join and create the depression as small .volcanoes dominate the
Rift Valley the floor is mostly made of basaltic lava it's flaming hot lava
can be captured at night when .the flaming magma displays a dangerously
beautiful scene.
valley of death Russia
you might think the valley of death is an over
exaggeration or a tad bit too dramatic but once you hear about this
supernatural .place you'll see why this
name is very fitting and apt located in eastern Russia is a place that is
called an animal graveyard many .puzzling
head scratching and back stories and origins this valley remains to be an
unsolved mystery according to legend - hunter
.stumbled upon the bizarre land in the 1930s upon climbing up the Kitsch
Falconer they saw land with no grass or plants covered .with dead animal bodies the Explorer soon
started to feel dizzy and decided to flee the area as rumors of the mysterious
land .spread many tried to finally solve
the puzzle and come back with proper answers just like animals around 80 human
lives were .taken by the supernatural
valley scientists have deduced that the lethality of the land is due to high
concentrations of poisonous .gases that
arise from the volcano a mix of hydrogen sulfide carbon dioxide and sulfur
dioxide kill living creatures within minutes
.whilst also preserving dead animals bodies for years as the deadly
gases accumulate throughout the animals bodies it prevents .the bacteria responsible for decomposition
to complete its action that's why animal bodies were seen scattered around the
land .as one might expect the valley of
death is closed for visitors the only way to sneak a peek of the land is
through a helicopter tour .which costs a
hefty $700.
madidi national park Olivia
at first glance this incredible land looks
straight out of a fairy tale but this picturesque Park is extremely dangerous
in real life .Mandy D national park
located in Bolivia is the home to the most poisonous and venomous fauna in the
world a Simple Touch .cut or a wound can
become infected with tropical parasites that cause dizziness and even death and
while this land is .undoubtedly very
dangerous and hazardous it doesn't stop tourists and travelers from making a
quick trip down to the madidi .national
park the mesmerizing Bolivian Park is home to some of the most majestic
creatures known to man from exotic animals
.to unique fauna madidi Park is filled with surprises and wonders from
Jaguars boaters to crested eagles and hummingbirds the .park has over 1,100 different animal and
bird species when it comes to the real danger a human can face one must
always .remember that this gorgeous and
green park houses some of the most toxic and poisonous fauna in the world
extremely deadly .parasites await as a
cut or wound is detected on a human when the perfect time arises it hits the
immune system and causes .sudden death
madidi national park has breathtaking and beautiful as it may be is known for
its venomous spiders snakes and .poisonous
plants so if you're thinking about visiting this exotic land make sure you stay
safe and follow the guide rules carefully.
Bikini Atoll Marshall Island
what may look like a Stein Coral Beach is a
result of years of high radiation experiments Bikini Atoll Marshall island in
the .boundless Pacific has gained a
reputation for being the go-to nuclear test site with over 65 experiments in 12
years of hydrogen .an atomic bomb
testing this gorgeous island has experienced more than any other land on earth
while the ocean life may seem . unharmed
and peaceful in reality the beautiful act all has gone through irreparable
damage throughout the decade Bikini Atoll
.held the world's first underwater atomic explosion in 1946 and it's
radiation exposure has only gotten greater extremely .dangerous radioactive water is the result of
decade-long radioactive contamination the altered ocean was so powerful in
charge .it sank nine ships and caused
cancer amongst those who got near to the clear waters now after years of harmful
events Bikini .Atoll Marshall Island is
open to tourists only a small chunk of the islands area is open to the public
no human is allowed to bathe .and visit
the polluted beaches while this island may look like a heavenly vacation spot
don't be fooled it's much more .dangerous
than you can possibly imagine .
naica Crystal Cave Mexico
but Nag as Crystal Cave in Mexico was so .mysterious and unexplored that National Geographic shot an hour-long documentary showcasing the dangers and wonders of .the Crystal Cave three scientists geared up for a deep exploration trip as they visited Nike's mountains infamous cave located in .the Chihuahua Desert this mountain is home to the biggest crystals in the world as hot magma lurks below the cave this .Mexican destination is a heat stroke accident waiting to happen the three scientists sent for an impossible mission had different .goals in mind their main objective was to collect the crystal samples and to later observe them there are these crystals the size of redwood trees you stand there with your mouth wide open said Chris McKay a planetary scientist exciting and life-changing as this adventure might have been one must remember that as soon as a person walks into the cave their body starts to die with incredibly high temperatures and unbearable humidity the only way to approach such a cave was by using protective suits but even with the appropriate attire the scientists only have about a half hour to collect their samples and get out alive George Coronas a well known adventurer and documentary expert was given the green light to spend only one day at the notorious crystal cave it took the Explorer two years to finally get the permission needed but according to the daredevil it was worth the wait it looks like Superman's Fortress of Solitude says George as far as the hot temperature goes even George vouched for the caves unbearable heat commenting as soon as you walk in you start to die