15 Most Dangerous Places on Earth(P1)
our planet
Earth has some of the most breathtaking landscapes but unlike tourist fills
cities and towns there are a few places no human should ever dare to visit here
are the 15 most dangerous places on earth
snake island Brazil
93 miles
away from Sao Paulo lies a land that is considered to be the most dangerous
place on earth Ilan a date came out a Grande or snake island is an island where
no human is allowed to step foot on with highly venomous and deadly golden lance head snakes slithering around
the land there is no safe quarter on the island last known human inhabitants
date back to the 1920s legend says the last fisherman who strayed too close to
the island shore was discovered on his boat days later lifeless in his own pool
of blood
Sinabung volcano
Indonesia monk stood among is arguably one of the most dangerous places on earth in 2010 after 400 years in dormancy Sinabung volcano awoke and spewed hot gas ash and rocks into the Indonesian land thousands were harmed and at least 15 people were killed Sinabung volcano is the only volcano on level 4 alerts and completely off limits to any climbers in 2019 another eruption caused havoc across the local village captured footage shows how ash and smoke shot 23,000 feet into the air and coated the land and debris
one of the world's most famous mysteries is the infamous Bermuda Triangle The Devil's Triangle is bounded by Miami Bermuda and Puerto Rico and is the place where ships planes and people mysteriously disappear giant airplanes and boats have vanished without ever radioing for distress messages some theories say that powerful rogue waves that reach up to a hundred feet destroy all evidence of a ship orplane and are the cause of sudden disappearances no matter what the reasons may be there bro muta triangle is the world's most supernatural paranormal place