15 Places on Earth Where Gravity Doesn't Seem to Work (P2)

 15 Places on Earth Where Gravity Doesn't Seem to Work (P2)

The Oregon Vortex

open to visitors since 1930 the Oregon vortex is a must-see roadside attraction located in Gold Hill Oregon USA this area defies gravity vortex creating the illusion to the phenomenon it also has a bone-chilling back-story what more could anyone want built on what is believed to be ancient Native American forbidden land this area is prone to paranormal events dating back centuries the attraction consists of many interesting effects and optical illusions and is one of the oldest in the area people are drawn from near and far to see the place where bubble levels tape measures yard sticks uphill ball rolling and plumb lines are used to demonstrate its anti-gravity properties the paranormal effect creates a 165-foot magnet radius which is said to be the cause of the Vending light altering of masses and gravity defiance I don't know about you but the combination of paranormal activity and a lack of gravity sounds like the perfect mix to me this is a must-see for the adventurers to-do list don't you agree

The Mysterious Road in South Korea

 the world really is a fascinating place fascinating it can often leave you speechless this mystery in Juju South Korea is one that'll have you guessing well after you have visited an optical illusion in the form of a mysterious roads that defies gravity lies on gravity hill the road is on a slight downward incline but actually looks like it slopes uphill it really is quite the unusual sight so right now the car is in neutral yes in fact it makes you want to blink to check if what you're seeing is real this is caused by the illusion that the surrounding land and layout is flat a gravity hill area can make it seem like a car that is left out of gear and with no foot on the accelerator can move uphill by itself this area can also make water appear like it's flowing upwards people who have experienced the mysterious road can't believe their eyes when their cars look to be travelling uphill by themselves the mysterious road runs for about 100 meters and has a clearly marked starting and end point if you're visiting this area you better like crowds because there are literally thousands of tourists flooding to witness this phenomenon each year

Gold in Rock Myanmar

a gold in Rock Myanmar for many centuries the Golden Rock has been defying the laws of gravity located in maan state Myanmar the key Ike t.o.p goda or Golden Rock is a 611 ton giant it is huge measuring 5 meters high and with a circumference of 50 feet so there's a section just up here that you can walk onto and stick some gold leaf onto the rock it sits within a world-renowned Buddhist pilgrimage site that houses a small pagoda which is built on top of the granite boulder these attractions each become a thing of beauty when the Sun reflects off their surfaces creating a golden gleam the boulder is precariously perched up high on the side of Mount kikuyu and is said to be held by just one strand of the Buddha's hair whether that's true or not remains to be seen but it's sir only adds to the rocks of he'll at first glance it looks like the boulders floating in the air and perhaps even on the verge of rolling down the cliff the rock hangs off the Cliffside by at least half its actual size sitting above a vertical drop over the deep valley below travelers come to see the rock from all over the world most believe that a mere glimpse will be blessing enough and they lay gifts and food as an offering to the gods this golden beauty is well worth a look but I would hate to be up close if it were to ever slip

Stone of Davasko Argentina

 stone of davasko Co Argentina in a fight between a boulder and gravity gravity is the clear winner the davasko co stone as it was named sat quite nicely upon the face of a massive rock formation before gravity pushed it over the edge but before it fell it spent thousands of years perched up on the hill defying gravity could you imagine being taunted for that many years poor gravity I bet it was pleased when the boulder finally fell the fallen 300 ton boulder which split into several pieces on impact was replaced by a nine-ton plastic replica that is fixed to the rock formation around it the stone of de Vasco has many legends and stories surrounding it many believing that when people began to settle in the area a king's favorite son was responsible he not only brought them to the area he also taught them cattle breeding and farming when he left he promised the people he would return leaving the huge stone on the top of the mountain as a reminder he is also said to have put a spell on it to ensure it didn't fall into the abyss below scientists have a more plausible explanation they believe the stone appeared to defy gravity due to small stones halting its movement and keeping it stable for all those years whatever the reason for its gravity-defying properties and its subsequent fall from grace I'm glad I wasn't there to witness it fall because you imagine the noise not to mention the trembling of the earth below that would have been some earthquake

Rua do Amendoim peanuts street

Rua do Amendoim peanuts street don't leave your car  unattended on peanuts tree it may just get stolen by an invisible force yeah that's right peanuts Street has an invisible thief cars that stop on this anti-gravity street seem to slowly roll uphill gaining speed as they flee the scene so you best put your brakes on or you might fall foul of the law many explanations have been tossed around for these strange happenings from the obvious theft theory to the hill being haunted there's also a suggestion that there might be a huge deposit of iron beneath the street which draws vehicles uphill with its magnetic pull and the car goes uphill this cars going uphill however in reality this is all just an optical illusion as the street appears to have a steep incline but there is in fact an unnoticeable dip in the road peanut Street is in Brazil and it's a street that creates a lot of attention puzzle drivers and pedestrians often gather to try and figure out the case of this magic and mysterious street

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