15 Gemstones More Expensive Than Diamond
we all know that apparently clear diamonds are a girl's best
friend the problem is they can just be so expensive to buy as it turns out
though they aren't the most expensive gemstones out there other diamonds and gemstones
take that title from a stone found in just one place on earth to unclosing
millions per carat here are 15 gemstones more expensive than diamonds
The Pink Star Diamond
the pink star diamond with an estimated value of about 71.2 million
dollars the pink star diamond formerly known as steinmetz pink is as desirable
as they come but it might not be so much the quality of the diamond but the
color that makes buyers so interested the pink star is a 59.60 carat diamond
that has been rated in color by the gemological institute of America as fancy
vivid pink it is the largest known diamond like it to have been rated this
color which makes it incredibly rare even the cut is interesting when de beers
mined it in south Africa in 1999 it weighed 132.5 carats after 20 months of
cutting it was finally unveiled to the public in 2003 in Monaco the diamond
formed part of the splendor of diamonds exhibit and sat alongside other
stunning diamonds like the Masaya Fred diamond and the heart of eternity
diamond it was auctioned at Sotheby’s Geneva in 2013 and sold for just over 83
million dollars this was a world record for any gemstone however apparently the
buyer never settled and it was added back to Sotheby’s inventory it ended up
selling at an auction in Hong Kong for 71.2million dollars
in 1997 a beautiful
new emerald cut gemstone was discovered the Serendidite bite it weighed 0.35 carats and the gia
laboratory identified it as a serendidite bite of gem quality it officially
became the first faceted Serendidite bite recorded in all gemological literature so
needless to say it was a momentous occasion the mineral is found in metamorphic
rocks called scarns associated with boron metasomatism of carbonate rocks
intruded by granite even though they look like ziocyte and sapphire their
refractive indices give them away as surrender the name of the gemstone comes
from the old Arab name for Ceylon which is now sri lanka it was recognized as
the locality for the mineral its bluish green has a vitreous luster and
measures seven on the hardness scale it's also transparent with reasonable
refractive indices but can also be quite a black crystal even as we learn more
about surrender bite what doesn't change is its rarity it's so rare that most
people won't see this mineral in person putting a value on it's pretty tricky
but it's rarity does make it one of the most expensive gemstones and minerals
in the world it's valued at around eighteen thousand dollars per carat
some gemstones and minerals are incredibly rare and expensive
but they aren't what you would call attractive that is not the case with benito
eye not only is it rare it's also probably the most attractive out of all those
rare minerals having been discovered so far it's a rich blue stone with
hexagonal shaping but can also be white colorless purple or pink it's ideal for use in jewelry
and has been used in rings necklaces and more although you'd have to be pretty
rich to buy something with benitolite in it was declared California’s state gem in 1985
after it was discovered there in 1907. it's only been found occasionally ever
since in fact it's so rare that gem cutters don't actually try and produce the
best cut instead they're looking to make the largest cut so the proportions
don't tend to be as optimal as other more common gemstones surprisingly when
you heat benitolite any colorless gems can go from clear to orange you can then
start to notice hints of pink however heating is not standard practice because some
of the inclusions can explode and Destroy the gem
prouder tayyip is such a rare mineral and gemstone that most
gemstone experts haven't had the pleasure of seeing it up close and personal
when they're given the opportunity they are amazed it's a colorless and light
pink stone that's quite brittle and barrel shaped with colorful crystals it was
first discovered in the 1960s in Mont saint-Hillarie of Quebec in Canada but hasn't
been found in large quantities since the only other place they've been found is
in the mogak region of northern Myanmar’s Shan state only seven crystals were
found during its first discovery and it wasn't actually identified and registered
as a new species until around 1986. it gets its name from the pujeret family
who operated a quarry in the area they were discovered they aren't the most
desirable or expensive gemstones even though they are pretty rare this might be
due to their brittle nature some jewelry websites sell them for under ten
thousand dollars on one site you could purchase a pear-shaped single poudretteite
weighing 1.820 carats and clean to the eye for a little over five thousand dollars
Jereme Javite
jerimejovite is an incredibly unique and rare mineral first described after being found in Siberia in 1883. it's an aluminum borate mineral with fluoride and hydroxide ions and was named after Russian mineralogist pavel vladimirovich iramiv when it was discovered in the Adam chilon mountains of Siberia since then it's also been found in the premier mountains of Namibia’s Tajikistan and in Germany’s Eiffel district the colors of Jeremiah are wide-ranging it can be colorless and white or yellowish to blue a white yellow brown and even aquamarine blue in transmitted light it has a vitreous luster and is a very beautiful mineral when properly cut it's quite a prized collector's gem especially as it's quite durable and ideal for jewelry any necklace ring or bracelet would look stunning with the tapering and elongated crystals of Jeremy in saying that it's rarely cut for jewelry since mineral collectors prefer their uncut form that's not to say this unique and wide-ranging mineral is perfect though it can sometimes have many inclusions like crystals growth lines feathers and fluid-filled fingerprints for some collectors that adds to their appeal.