15 Gemstones More Expensive Than Diamond(P3)

 15 Gemstones More Expensive Than Diamond

we all know that apparently clear diamonds are a girl's best friend the problem is they can just be so expensive to buy as it turns out though they aren't the most expensive gemstones out there other diamonds and gemstones take that title from a stone found in just one place on earth to unclosing millions per carat here are 15 gemstones more expensive than diamonds

Fire Opal

you can define a fire opal as being any opal gemstone with yellow red and orange as the dominant colors every fire opal differs based on its play of color background coloring and origin they're described as being amorphous mineraloids with hydrated silica but the opals themselves don't actually have the structural organization required to form crystals so they aren't minerals and they aren't technically metamorphic rocks either all opals are valuable in one way or another but there's something quite unique and special about fire opals that drive their price up they often reach high prices on the international gemstone market with their brilliance base color internal play and translucency dictating how much they're worth given how these features can vary so dramatically you might pay as little as ten dollars a carrot to ten thousand dollars a carrot the market and how much someone's willing to pay can also determine their price current events and people very much drive the market their rareness can also drive the price up because of how strange their chemical structure can be when you compare their price to other more natural opal colors it's clear to see how much it makes an impact

Blue Diamond

blue diamonds are real natural diamonds with blue tones because of boron being present in the carbon structure of the diamond the blue can be subtle and light or it can be a deep blue with hints of gray violet or green showing through you might think that blue diamonds are manufactured with their coloring but they are found that way below the earth's surface they are only found in a few mines worldwide such as the argyle mine in Australia India’s Golconda mine and the cullinan mine in south Africa many things determine how much a blue diamond is worth such as the blue coloring's intensity given their rarity they can also fetch much more on the market than standard white diamonds and even diamonds of other colors most blue diamond’s fall under the category of type 2b which make up about 0.1 percent of the world's colored diamonds all blue diamonds are classed as rare but those with pure colors and without secondary colors like gray violet or green are even rarer typically these fetch the most money and are also harder to find you can spend an average of fifteen thousand seven hundred dollars on a 0.3 carat diamond with light blue coloring but you may spend upwards of two hundred thousand dollars or even more

Red Diamond

the most expensive gemstone in the world is the red diamond it's not widely known or recognized and it can set you back about 1 million dollars each carrot if you're gonna find them anywhere it'll be in Australia Africa and Brazil but even in these places coming across red diamonds is almost unheard of there are only about 30 true gem quality red diamonds in existence and most of them weigh less than about half a carat given how few red diamonds exist there are definitely some famous ones out there that cost a pretty penny for example the Hancock red diamond weighs about 0.95 carat and is a brilliant round cut diamond it's named after a well-known collector warren Hancock the size isn't the most noteworthy thing about this diamond because it's definitely not massive but its coloring is spectacular it has a gorgeous purple and red hue Lauren paid 13 500 for the diamond in 1956 and it was sold again in 1987 for 880 000 you could just imagine what it's worth now i'd imagine in the millions


even though pay night is not one of the painite  gemstones in existence it is undoubtedly one of the rarest it's for that reason that you'd pay up to 60 thousand dollars for a single carat of gem quality painite painite is typically a red orange color or brownie red it gets its coloring from a small amount of chromium and vanadium however the gemstone also contains boron oxygen aluminum zirconium and calcium a sample of it was discovered in Burma in the 1950s and only two crystals of the hexagon-shaped mineral were thought to exist only two faceted gemstones were reported to have existed before 2005. but that all changed after a new northern locality in northern Myanmar was discovered several thousand crystals and fragments were found and several hundred pieces have now been faceted however almost complete crystals are still rare and you can spend tens of thousands of dollars on the smallest of crystals poor quality ones are just a few hundred dollars if you ever wanted to get your hands on them and many people do because they've been used as a chakra opener and for relieving mental emotional spiritual and physical pain

Burma Ruby

rubies are some of the most popular and traditional jewelry stones they're adorable and pretty much always red with incredibly saturated coloring even though rubies are widespread they are also expensive you can pay over a million dollars for a single carrot if it's of the finest quality compared to any other gem rubies also undergo some of the most intensive treatments doing so is clearly worth it because just look at how stunning they are but Burma rubies are just that little bit more special they sell for about 1.172 million dollars per carat and a carat mogok pigeons blood ruby sold for 30 million dollars the Burma ruby differs from other rubies for its coloring it's red and slightly purple red with a medium dark tone and incredibly vivid saturation they also get called pigeon's blood red you can also purchase African rubies with orange red coloring beef blood rubies that are slightly darker than pigeon blood and French or cherry rubies that are lighter than pigeon's blood you may also see examples of Thai or Siamese and salon or sri lanka rubies for sale when you see the price tags of your standard clear diamonds in a jewelry store you might think they're pretty expensive but now you might not be sure that they're such a huge cost after all at least not compared to some of these other precious stones

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