The oceans contain great mysteries within their depths while many of these mysteries have been explained by scientists and analysts there are still quite a few unexplained oceanic enigmas that intrigue us a variety of mysterious ocean phenomena have been seen and experienced by sailors around the world
Red tide
in HG Wells 1898 novel the War of the Worlds the invading Martians bring with them a noxious red weed that suffocates the land and poisons the water fortunately it dies off at the end of the novel killed by good old British bacteria real life isn't so tidy currently there is no force biological or otherwise capable of stopping the algae blooms that are attacking coastal waters around the world with frightening regularity turning thousands of square miles into odoriferous graveyards of dead and rotting fish drifting throughout the ocean invisible to the naked eye are innumerable microscopic algae these tiny algae are essential components to ocean life as they fuel the food web by harnessing light energy from the Sun but when supplied with excess nutrients they can multiply uncontrollably becoming an unwanted mass commonly called a red tide that smothers nearby ocean life the algae linked to red tides contain a toxin that affects the nervous and digestive system of animals
Cross see
across sea looks beautiful from afar but is actually very dangerous the pattern occurs when two wave systems cross while traveling at slanting angles to each other the waves from older weather systems continue on until they dissipate and the ocean becomes a swirling dangerous place for swimmers and boats across sea can also sometimes produce very tall waves many ship accidents have been blamed on encountering cross sea conditions
Tides of Mont saint-michel
the Mont saint-michel is one of Europe's most unforgettable sights set in the mesmerizing Bay where Normandy and Brittany merge the island draws the eye from great distances each month the tides at Mont saint-michel have periods where they are extreme and a few times a year they are dangerous on about half of the days each month extreme high tides almost turn the mountain into an island while extreme low tides mean you'll need to squint off into the distance to convince yourself that there really is water in the Bay of Mont saint-michel it is essential that anyone visiting Mont saint-michel be aware of the tides and plan accordingly particularly if and when you walk on the sand around the island there can be a difference of 15 meters 50 feet between low and high tide on about a dozen days of the year the tides can be so extreme as to be dangerous and they can change quickly when wet the sand can be unstable and a person can sink into it like quicksand drowning as the tide rushes in
whirlpools are caused by a turbulent flow of water when moving river water is forced to twist around an object or to stream into an river bed the water flows faster and is more likely to create an energetic swirling turbulence in the ocean depending on the geology of the sea bed driving currents can collide and create conflicting tidal flows a whirlpool of extraordinary size or violence is a mile strum the swirling vortex is deadly the maelstrom of salts trauma is located next to Norway positioned near the Arctic Circle the mightiest mile Strom in the world creates the strongest tidal currents on the globe while the salt straumann is the strongest Maelstrom the mosque straumann is the most famous perhaps infamous thanks to Edgar Allan Poe and Jules Verne the third largest Maelstrom in the world is located in the relatively narrow strait of Quarry reckon extreme tidal currents surged into whirlpools swirling round and round due in part to its location between two islands off the west coast of Scotland and the pyramid rock on the seafloor the largest whirlpool in the Western Hemisphere is called old sow this mile Strom is situated between the shores of Deer Island and moose island in between New Brunswick and Maine
Rogue wave
rogue freak or killer waves have been part of marine folklore for centuries but have only been accepted as a real phenomenon by scientists over the past few decades 10-story high near vertical walls of frothing water smashed portholes and flooded cabins on the upper decks 30 meter behemoths that rise up from nowhere to throw ships about like corks only to slip back beneath the depths moments later ROK's called extreme storm waves by scientists are those waves which are greater than twice the size of surrounding waves are very unpredictable and often come unexpectedly from directions other than prevailing wind and waves most reports of extreme storm waves say they look like walls of water they are often steep-sided with unusually deep troughs since these waves are uncommon measurements and analysis of this phenomenon is extremely rare exactly how and when rogue waves form is still under investigation