Human Body Parts Plants-P1

Our Planet Is Home To Infinite And Incredibly Diverse Flora These Millions Of Species Of Plants Vary In Colors Shapes Sizes Habitats And Many Other Aspects Both Of These Are Not That Fascinating For A Layman But In Case You're A Botanist Then Every Single One Of These Will Pique Your Interest While Some May Be Useful For Humans Others Are Extremely Harmful And Poisonous Few Plants However Are Famous For Their Unique And Astonishing Shapes Which May Have Stark Resemblance To Other Living Organisms A Few Of These Rare Plants Will Surprise You With How Much They Look Like Parts Of The Human Body In Today's Video We'll Be Showing You 20 Mysterious Plants That Could Easily Be Mistaken For An Organ But Before We Get Started Be Sure To Hit The Like Button Subscribe And Click The Notification Bell For More Such Amazing Content

Angular Uniform

The Orchid Species Is Known For Producing A Variety Of Flowers That Attract Human Eyes Perhaps Onlookers Would Not Be Attracted This Much By The Flowers Of Anguloa Uniflora If They Didn't Immensely Resemble Swazed Babies Swathed Babies Orchid Is One Of The Biggest Orchids Reaching A Height Of Approximately Two Feet It Refers To The Inner Shape Of The Flower That Looks Like A Baby Wrapped In Blankets The Plant Is Also Called The Tulip Orchid As The Outer Petals Of Its Flower Before These Fully Open Up Have An Overlapping Pattern That Resembles A Tulip Flower


auricularia Auricula

01:37due To Its Peculiar Shape Auricularia Auricular Is Also Known As The Jelly Ear Or Tree Ear It Has Jelly-Like Flesh And Cup-Shaped Reddish-Brown Features That Are Like Human Ears The Plant Is Covered With Thick Tiny Hairs That Pulsate Without Any Rhythm These Astonishing Plants Grow In Groups On Decayed Or Live Trees Auricularia Auricular Appears Like A Cusp Shaped Fungus However The Black Fungus Is Rubber-Like But Not Delicate Scientists Believe That The Fungus Helps In Reducing The Cholesterol In The Human Body As Well As With Blood Clotting In Japan And China Auricularia Auricular Is A Prevalent Delicacy That Contributes Towards Lowering The Incidence Of Heart Disease


Snapdragon Seed Pod

Snapdragons Are Strange Annual Flowers Having A Shape Resembling Dragon's Jaws That Open Up On Being Pressed Some People Believe That The Goldfish Grassland Used To Be Originally A Wildflower In Italy And Spain Snapdragons Are Poisonous Flowers And Their Petals Wither Away At The End Of Summer The Green Seed Pods Below The Withered Flowers Become Visible Gradually The Dried Pods Turn Brown And Suddenly Burst Open To Spread The Seeds The Holes Found At The Bottom Of The Pod Are Used For Falling Out Of The Seeds The Empty Pod Looks Like A Human Skull


Psychotria Elata

Psychotic Elate Is A Plant Native To Tropical Rainforests In Central And South America Covering Countries Like Costa Rica Panama Colombia And Ecuador From December To March Bright Red Pieces And Especially The Leaves Look Like Wrinkled Human Lips Having A Lipstick The Ruby Color Of The Flowers Attracts Pollinators Like Hummingbirds And Butterflies On Opening The Bright Pieces One Comes Across Tiny Star-Shaped Flowers And Oval Berries Psychiatric Elate Is Presented As The Most Popular Gift Of Love By The Central American Inhabitants It's Also Known For Its Medical Usage As The Native Residents Of Panama Use It For Treating Respiratory Diseases



 Guarani Is A Delicious Fruit Found In South America That Supposedly Resembles Human Eyeballs The Fleshy White Fruit Has Embedded Dark Brown Seeds Which Measure About The Size Of Coffee Beans These Seeds Have Caffeine Content That's More Than Twice That Found In Coffee Beans Generally The Us Food And Drug Authority Considers A Guarani Supplement Safe For Health Hiring Vine Is Much Liked And Has Been Used Since Long By The Locals For Its Stimulating Properties The Vine Is Mainly Manufactured In The Amazon River Basin During The 17th Century A Jesuit Missionary Indicated That Guarani Provided Immense Energy To A Member Of The Amazon Tribe That Sufficed For Hunting For Several Days And They Would Not Feel Hunger At Any Stage

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