Our planet is home to an
unbelievable amount of trees shrubs herbs and plants all around us they vary in
characteristics and accordingly of negative or positive usage for animals in
general and humans in particular it's estimated that about four hundred thousand
different types of plants are known to present day science despite large
numbers names of very few plants may be just 10 to 15 plants that are remembered
by the common individuals today we'll explore the strangest tree and plant
species that are considered to be bizarre due to some peculiar reasons
Number8- strangler fig
Strangler fig is believed to be the largest on the earth to the extent that it kills the plants around it the plant has numerous species but they all act alike and look attractive it can grow all around upwards down or sideways they rob the roots of neighboring plants or nutrients and finally kill them initially it grows upwards to get sunlight and then extends downward to assault the roots and behave pretty brutally strangler fig can conveniently outlive their host trees for years
Number9- which is butter
This plant is also renowned as the tremble mes enteric it's an attractive fungus that can even be eaten in some regions it's also known as healthy low brain and golden jelly fungus irrespective of the name it's a unique species as it can reproduce both sexually and asexually which is butter is tasteless and it's also being studied for its incredible biological process so far no information is available on its nutritional value it grows on dead trees and is found on every continent and has found to be parasitic on other fungi
Number10- hammer orchid
Hammer orchid or dracaena glyptodont is found in Australia its pollination process is quite surprising and peculiar it appears to have a little dangly object with a blackish protruding part on its top it mimics a female wasp's body what's the secret behind this mimicry female thymidine wasp just cannot fly therefore they resort to climbing the top of the plants for signaling and attracting the male wasps as the males are capable of flying and they pick up the females off the plants for mating hence when the male wasp strikes the protruding part of the hammer orchid its feet are pitched into the mass of pollens this fooling drama continues and helps in pollination when the male wasp reaches the other appendage resembling a female wasp
Number11-wolfia ariza
Wolfe aria is the smallest flowering plant on the planet any reduction in its eyes will turn it to be a microscopic plant its reproduction is so fast that if you leave a few plants on the table after a couple of hours you may find hundreds of wolfed raiser there it is without leaves stem or roots it's an incredibly unique plant at times they may have a tiny flower with a stem and one pistol it's typically found in the ponds and rivers of north Africa Europe and some regions of Asia it's more commonly known as duckweed and has several species but they all remain on the top of the water being their weight too light to sink they're extremely easy to collect from the water and hence form a good snack for humans and animals alike it has immense nutritional value and it possesses 40 protein
Number12- lithops
For ensuring their survival different plants have developed different defense mechanisms some stink and others are poisonous however lit hops have a simpler method as they pretend to be a rock lit hops of dozens of species and each one imitates a specific rock all these species exist in south Africa and during drought they may shrink down below the surface leaving behind only a translucent top for collecting light which manages its survival through the dirt and gravel while collecting small rocks in an area perhaps you may be gathering lisps instead of stones they can be domesticated and require extra care and tend to love under the right conditions lit hops can sprout into pretty looking little yellow or white flowers resembling a common daisy
Number13- Victoria Amazonia
Most people would have seen water lilies at least once in their life as these are hard to miss being so pretty Victoria Amazonia is the most prominent species having a massive growth of up to three meters long its edges bend upwards to avoid overlapping with neighboring gigantic water lilies and also grow thorns on the other sides for protecting themselves from being eaten by some aquatic animals or plants underwater a mature lily pad can hold a weight of up to 100 pounds provided it's evenly distributed it has enough strength to support a weight of a minor child these immensely overgrown lilies also have white fragrant flowers that are visible only at night flowers are used to trap beetles cover them in pollen and subsequently release them after a few hours so they can pollinate another lily flowers start shrinking as the sun rises and by daybreak they are completely closed strangely something so big is so equally shy
Number14- hid Nora
Someone hiking in south Africa may run into a strange plant that looks like a sinister sci-fi movie creature well this plant is known as hydnora which completely grows underground but only exposes its flowers above the surface the flower is shaped to enhance the efficiency of its brittles for directing beetles into the middle the way this plant lures beetles into its mouth is incredible the plant smells like poop and beetles feel an affinity for it particularly dung beetles it doesn't eat the beetles rather it closes them down as if keeping them hostage for some time and covering their body with pollen at the right time the hostage is released in the hope that it would find a hidden aura having the opposite sex on completion of the pollination process honor will bear a fruit having a similar taste and texture to that of a potato
Number15- dragon arum
It's a gorgeous plant and grows in beautiful localities of Greece Crete and Asian sea islands a dragon Aaron can attain a height of up to a yard and its flower is famous for its deep red appearance most surprisingly they release a unique odor that can be smelled from miles away however it's not a bad one like a corpse flower it smells more like dung and is native to southern Europe as opposed to southeast Asia where the corpse flower is found the dragon arum grows around ponds rivers and rainforests they display a humid temperament which enhances their odor on blooming its stench does stay for more than three days anyone wishing to grow dragon era must use gloves as it is very toxic
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