Strangest Tree and Plant Species-p1

Our planet is home to an unbelievable amount of trees shrubs herbs and plants all around us they vary in characteristics and accordingly of negative or positive usage for animals in general and humans in particular it's estimated that about four hundred thousand different types of plants are known to present day science despite large numbers names of very few plants may be just 10 to 15 plants that are remembered by the common individuals today we'll explore the strangest tree and plant species that are considered to be bizarre due to some peculiar reasons

Number1- the corpse flower

Even the name of this flower sounds alarming the corpse flower also known as titan arum wreaks and allegedly it smells like a rotting dead body it also appears to have come from some other planet as it's humongous and despite the pungent smell it seems astonishing it uses its rotting meat-like odor to keep predators at bay and to protect it from being eaten despite having an effective defense mechanism titan Aram is a rare and threatened species it's found in the forests of Sumatra island Indonesia surprisingly it's made of thousands of tiny male and female flowers instead of a single flower its flowers discharge oil whereas the large spire in the center collects heat resultantly it's the hot oil that creates the stench of a corpse that attracts beetles for pollination due to its huge size an adult plant can easily weigh up to 200 pounds

Number2-elephant foot yam

The scientific community knows it by the name of amorphous falls payanofolius whereas common people call it the elephant foot yam it also smells like a rotting corpse and is known to be a close cousin of the corpse flower it can have multiple colors varying from white to purple and brown unlike the corpse flower it is edible and is also considered a delicacy in one south Asian culture but several people know it as the food of last resort only the yam grows underground whereas the flower grows straight upward above the ground

Number3- reflection

Raffles is another stinking flower found in Indonesia and is unique being the single largest flower in the world strangely it doesn't have roots stems or leaves some people relate it to a fungus it's extremely difficult to find in the wild at the initial stage reflection is inconspicuous parasitic tissue found on the vines in the rainforests of Indonesia consequently it turns into a tiny bud and within the next few days it grows exponentially and becomes a familiar stinking plant the hole in the middle is so spacious that a human head can be fitted in it

 Number4- venues fly trap

 A lot of young kids are quite fascinated by the venues fly trap when other plants soak in the sun and are busy with photosynthesis venues flytrap prefers to snap up the little insects it seems to be an alien but it's found in the marshy areas of Carolina where the soil is very weak in nutrients probably this is the reason why the flight trap preys on insect high and nitrogen content its little mouth or trap has tiny trigger hairs that feel the movement of any little object getting into it and immediately the trap doors are closed astonishingly its heads can exchange chemical messages and can pass information about the prey when the prey is held in their clutches their digestive juices effectively break down its body


Number5- bleeding tooth plant

Due to the strange appearance the bleeding tooth plant seems straight out of a horror movie it's a type of fungus and hails from the pacific northwest this unusual mushroom gets its name from its pale white flesh having deep red spores that secrete out a thick red fluid be careful while handling this scary fungus as when you turn it over you'll find its base studded with small spines however this plant is not dangerous rather it offers some health benefits for humans who can dare to consume it while the young plants appear ghastly on maturing they become more brown and shriveled in appearance its sanguine substance is actually a type of sap that's expelled out of the mushroom due to excessive absorption of water the bleeding tooth plant can be found in the different temperaments all over the globe from the middle east to north America as well as certain areas of Korea these plants prefer to hide among the moss and other shading parts of the forest

Number6- tropical pitcher plants

These plants look nice and collect water during heavy rainfall you can find these in Sumatra Borneo or Indonesia and the Philippines scientists know about 150 species of this plant the tropical pitcher plant can eat anything that happens to get inside its pouch which possesses a coating of sticky sap that ensures nothing goes out after entering the their favorite foods include termites spiders worms and even lizards but small insects seem to be the preferred meal each pitcher plant has a unique relationship with the ecosystem that they inhabit one has to host a colony of carpenter ants that clean off the carcasses of the plant's larger prey some species are able to function as toilets of small shrews by providing them with a special sweet exudates the plants use the shrew poor as the source of nitrogen

 Number7- cape sundew

Cape Sonja is also known as tracer cadences and is native to south Africa it's an incredible carnivorous plant cape sundew's arms and leaves are coated with a sticky sap that holds any insect landing on them it resembles a glue trap laid outside a house when the plant realizes that the insect has landed it commences wrapping its large arms around the victim the process is very slow and may take up to half an hour but the bug cannot escape the cape Sonja is unbelievably invasive as it can reproduce and survive on all types of climate and weather although it can handle pests but it itself can also be a pest

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