Mysterious Lost Worlds On Earth-P2

Some People Believe That There Is Nothing Unexplored Remaining On Earth But The World Doesn't Cease To Surprise Us With Its Mysteries Today I'll Tell You About The Lost Places Of The Planet And Animals That Live Only There The

Mount Roraima South America

Mount Roraima The Most Famous And Concurrently Highest Venezuelan Mountain It Reaches A Height Of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Ten Meters Researchers Managed To Find An Unusual Animal Here Which Was Named Cabrera Soros It Looks Like A Huge Snake With A Horse's Head And Humps On Its Back The Length Of Its Body Is About 15 Meters Ants Gulliver's Longer Than 5 Centimeters In Length Were Found There Steel Jaw’s Snack On Branches But The Biggest Discovery Was The Remains Of Ancient Animals That Lived Here Quite Recently What They Died From Is Not Clear Perhaps They Were Experimented On By Aliens This Conjuncture Is Not Without Reason Since Not Far From The Waterfall The Expedition Found A Large Round Platform Without Vegetation And Sprinkled With Some Silvery Powder Laboratory Research Later Found That It Is An Alloy Of Rare Metals That Does Not Really Get Out Of The Earth


The Challengers Abyss

The Deepest Point Of The Mariana Trench With The Most Amazing Ecosystem On Earth Its Depth Is Ten Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-One Meters In Comparison The Height Of The Highest Point Of The World Mount Everest 8,848 Meters However At A Depth Of One Thousand Six Hundred Meters From The Surface Of The Pacific Ocean There Are Hydrothermal Springs That Heat The Water To 450 Degrees Celsius But It Does Not Boil Here Due To An Incredible Pressure 155 Times Higher Than On The Surface At The Bottom Of The Mariana Trench Giant Ten Centimeter Amoeba Were Found In Comparison The Length Of An Ordinary Amoeba Is Half A Millimeter The Temperature High Pressure And Lack Of Sunlight Likely Contributed To The Fact That These Amoebas Have Acquired Non-Standard Sizes


Cave Hongseong Doomed

Han Sang Doom Is A Huge Cave That Is The Largest In The World In 1991 A Local Resident Named Ho Han Discovered This Cave People Who Lived In These Places Were Afraid To Be Near The Cave And All Because Of The Whistling Sound Of A River Flowing Down The Cave In The Underground Hall Of The Cave There Is Enough Room For A 40 Storey Skyscraper Many Years Ago In The Roof Of The Cave Holes Were Formed Through Which Light Penetrated Into The Underground Halls Along With Them Came The Plants Now You Can See A Real Jungle There Is So Much Space Here That Its Own Ecosystem Has Been Formed Inside There Is A Forest A Big River And Many Many Amazing Things


Lake Vostok

Lake Vostok Is One Of The Largest Lakes On The Earth For 15 Million Years It Was Separated From The Whole World By A Glacier Of Four Kilometers Under This Layer Of Ice Is Material That Is Invaluable To Science Samples Taken From The Surface Showed That Underneath There Are A Lot Of Living Organisms Whose Dna Does Not Belong To Any Known Species Such Lost Worlds Are On Our Planet It Would Seem That Everything Has Already Been Investigated But No There Are Still Many Places On Earth Where There Was No Man


Melville Range Australia

Located High On A Giant Cobblestone In Cape York In The North Of Queensland In 2013 Biologists Discovered A Tropical Forest Which Can Only Be Reached By Helicopter Amazing Species Of Animal Were Found That Live Only Here In The Forest For Example A Gecko Lizard With A Leaf Like Tail

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