The moon has entered a new phase, scientists say.

The moon has entered a new phase, scientists say.

"Kansas: Scientists say that the moon has entered a new phase. This phase is called 'Lunar Anthropocene' by scientists.

Anthropocene refers to an earthly era that is observed when human activities predominantly influence seasons and the environment. Researchers suggest that humans have altered the lunar landscape, and the intention is to perceive this change as a new era for artificial celestial bodies (satellites). Future plans for humanity include further modifying the lunar environment in the coming years, involving returning to the lunar surface and resettling humans.

The discussion about the new lunar phase was published as a comment article in Nature Geoscience by researchers. According to them, the beginning of this phase dates back to 1959 when the Soviet Luna 2 spacecraft became the first space vehicle to land on the lunar surface.

Justin Holcombe, an Earth scientist and research head at the University of Kansas, stated that the concept is similar to discussions related to Anthropocene on Earth. The study explores how much impact humans have had on this planet.

In the published commentary, scientists explained that the Lunar Anthropocene has already begun. However, scientists want to either save the moon from significant damage or keep its recognition intact until they can measure the effects of human activities on the lunar environment. The time for conducting these measurements might be delayed.

Human activities have already left a considerable amount of waste on the lunar surface. The debris includes golf balls and flags left behind during the first moon landing. Human waste and other litter are also present.

Furthermore, humans are actively working to change the lunar surface, with plans to excavate it and prepare for habitation.

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