Class Struggle and Youth
Today, the societal imbalance found in the form of inequality is a significant cause of moral decline. This imbalance can be mitigated to a considerable extent by embracing simplicity. Simplicity is a path that can lead to the end of class struggles.
Feelings of inferiority or superiority are also the results of not adopting simplicity. Those who do not embrace simplicity find themselves entangled in the shackles of appearance and display. Their nature inclines towards self-display, leading them to a perpetual sense of deprivation and low self-worth. To satisfy their desire for display, they sacrifice the tranquility of day and night.
Engaging in hours of play, unnecessary activities, and wasting time in trivial matters is not a mark of intelligence. In society, people often perceive others as rivals and unnecessarily strive to compete with them, causing unrest for themselves. This approach is not correct.
If competition is based on healthy foundations,
it can contribute to the progress of the nation. Conversely, if competition is only for the display of wealth, it can lead to the destruction of society and the nation. The pursuit of superiority in appearance over others results in societal discord rather than harmony. Those who do not embrace simplicity fall victim to ingratitude. The complaint of a lack of amenities is always on their lips. The desire to elevate their standard of living constantly lingers in their hearts, sometimes leading them to adopt illegal means to achieve it, resulting in serious crimes.
People often strive excessively to achieve a prominent position in society. In the pursuit of appearance, they progress so far that they develop a sense of pride and arrogance. They become detached from needs, helplessness, and submission. Their sense of virtue and superiority leads them towards ethical degradation. Embracing simplicity can save individuals from many evils. Balance is also crucial with simplicity. Those who do not adopt moderation often invite many calamities, leading to mental distress.
The current era is marked by rapid pace and restlessness.
In such circumstances, feelings of deprivation and low self-worth lead to mental distress. If you are a supporter of simplicity, such thoughts cannot entangle you in unnecessary worries. Living in a house with simplicity ensures peace and tranquility, free from unnecessary burdens.
Today's youth, when comparing themselves financially with others, often become victims of mental stress and anxiety. The artificial glamor of media, showbiz, social networking sites, and lifestyle portrayed on apps surround our youth. In the face of these, they feel a sense of inadequacy. They start yearning to achieve everything, leading to a sense of emptiness and restlessness. If these feelings are positively channelized for personal success, there is no harm. However, many times, these anxious feelings lead to wrong choices and disrupt the peace of life. It is essential for a successful and balanced life to embrace simplicity and manifest a sense of moderation.