The Most Fascinating Galaxies Ever Discovered-P1

Galaxies Are The Building Blocks Of The Universe And They Come In All Sizes Some Very Fascinating Shapes Have Unique Features And Very Intricate Details With Over 200 Billion Galaxies In The Observable Universe Scientists And Astronomers Have Identified Some Truly Bizarre Galaxies Out There Think Shapes Like Dolphins Tadpoles Or Even A Galaxy Named Vermin Welcome To Fact Nominal And Today We Will Be Taking You On A Galactic Journey To Discover Some Of The Most Unusual Yet Fascinating Galaxies That Lie Beyond Our Milky Way

Penguin or Porpoise

Beginning With This Interacting Spiral Galaxy Ngc 2936 Is Located At Least 326 Million Light Years Away Not Only Is This Galaxy Absolutely Fascinating It's Also Truly Beautiful Some Have Argued That It Looks Like A Dolphin While Some Say It's More Like A Penguin Holding An Egg But Newer Images Of The Galaxy Have Made It Possible To See How Much It Favors A Porpoise The Core Of The Spiral Galaxy Can Be Seen As The Eye Of The Dolphin While Towards The Left You Can See What Looks Like The Nose Of A Dolphin Which Is Really A Huge Star-Forming Region It Is Here That All The New Stars Light Up The Region And The Surrounding Gas And Dust Which Makes It Truly Striking The Ngc 2936 Interacts With The More Elliptical Shaped Ngc 2937 And Together They Form This Galactic Marvel The Galaxy Pair Is Together Known As Arp-142 The Duo Are Constantly Pulling At Each Other And Because Of This There Has Been A Disruption In The Gas Dust And Stars Which Is Also Distorting Its Unique Form Sadly Many Scientists And Astronomers Have Now Estimated  That It Will Eventually Lose Its Porpoise-Like Shape And Transform Into Just Another Galaxy In About A Billion Years Give Or Take We Can Only Wonder What This Iconic Galaxy May Look Like. 

Galaxy Within a Galaxy 

Ring Galaxies Account For Only About 0.01 Percent Of The Known Galaxies And Are Considered Extremely Rare In The Year 1950 Arthur Hogue Chanced Upon An Odd-Looking Ring Galaxy At First He Studied It And Declared That It Was Either A Planetary Nebula Or Just A Very Peculiar Shaped Galaxy With About 8 Billion Stars Hogue's Object In Its Peculiar Shape And Formation Has Been A Hot Topic Of Debate But No One Truly Knows Why Or How It Came To Be And The Cosmic Wonder Has Befuddled Astronomers And Scientists For Years Now The Center Of This Galaxy Appears To Be A Ball Or Cluster Of Red-Colored Stars That Appear To Be Much Older While The Surrounding Ring Is Mostly Dominated By An Array Of Bright Blue Young Stars Named After Its Discoverer Hoag's Object Is A Sight To Behold And Has More Than Likely Been Formed As A Result Of An Interaction Between Two Galaxies Or A Galactic Merger Hogue Himself Even Suggested That The Ring-Like Formation Is More Of An Optical Illusion But Newer Images From The Hubble Space Telescope Has Disproved That Theory And It Is Possible That A Violent Collision With A Neighboring Galaxy Has Caused This Sort Of Hole In The Disk And Completely Warped Its Gravitational Pull No Evidence Has Been Found To Prove This Theory But It's Also Possible That It Occurred So Long Ago That Any Possible Evidence Was Likely Wiped Away With Time Hog's Object Continues To Be An Enigma And One Of The Most Unusual Galaxies Discovered To Date


A Galactic Tadpole

This Peculiar Galaxy In The Shape Of What Appears To Be A Tadpole Is Actually The Result Of A Hit And Run Collision Which Has Given Birth To This Oddly Fascinating Galaxy It Is A Disrupted Barred Spiral Galaxy Located At Least 420 Million Light Years From The Earth And Lies In The Northern Part Of The Constellation Draco To Someone Observing This Galaxy It Seems Like An Enormous Tadpole Just Floating Through Space It Is Also One Of The Furthest Galaxies That We Know Of The Tail Of This Galaxy Is Said To Be 500 000 Light Years Long To Put That Into Perspective You Could Say It's About 10 Times Longer Than The Milky Way Astronomers Have Said That This Peculiar Galaxy Is Likely To Have Formed Due To The Collision Of Two Disc Galaxies Being Pulled Onto A Much Smaller Galaxy Thus Clumping The Stars Together So That It Looks Like The Head And Leaving Behind A Long Trail Which Resembles A Long Tail When You Consider It Against The Vast Stunning Backdrop Of Space It Looks Like This Galaxy Is In A Race As It Soars Through The Sky And Leaves Behind A Trail Of Stars In Its Wake Eventually Though The Blue Looking Stars Will Turn Red As They Mature And Grow Older And The Tail Will Eventually Disappear With The Stars Becoming Rogue Stars Since The Tail Alone Is About 280 000 Light Years Away It's Possible That The Tail Is Already Gone And The Images That We See Now Show What It Possibly Looked Like 420 Million Years Ago Now That's Truly Mind-Blowing


The Little Cub

The Little Cub Galaxy Is Truly Unique As It Has Now Opened A New Chance For Astronomers To Observe A More Primitive Galaxy Which Could Bring Scientists Closer To More Truths About The Early Universe And Answer Some Questions That Have For Centuries Remained Unanswered The Galaxy Gets Its Name Because It Sits In The Ursa Major Which Is Otherwise Called The Great Bear Constellation It Is About 50 To 60 Million Light Years Away And Researchers Have Suggested That It Is One Of The Few Sat Forming Galaxies In The Universe That Is Very Low On Metal Low Metallicity Means That It Isn't Very Bright And Therefore Harder To Study What's Extremely Strange And Peculiar About This Galaxy Though Is The Fact That It Is Being Stripped Of Its Gas From Its Own Neighbor The Giant Galaxy Right Next To It Ngc 3359 Seems To Be Taking In All Of Its Gas So It Can Form More Stars Now That's Galactic Cannibalism Right There Little Cub Is Being Watched And Studied With Fascination But In Truth We Are All Just Witnessing Its Eventual Demise As The Larger Companion Completely Takes Away Its Fuel So It Will Stop Forming Stars A Little Morbid If You Ask Me But Scientists Have Said That They Are Hoping To Make Some Groundbreaking Discoveries Through This Small Galaxy And Hopefully Some Insight Into The Makeup Of The Early Universe


Space Vermin

With A Name Like Vermin You Already Know This One's Going To Be A Little Wily At First Glance You Will Notice That It Bears A Striking Resemblance To A Galactic Dandelion Puff That You'd Probably See In The Background At An Edm Concert And Less Like Something In Outer Space Pictures Show That The Galaxy Is Visible Just As A Small Smudge Where It Begins To Seemingly Align And Passes Behind A Star Called Hd-107146 This Star Has Proven To Be A Very Peculiar Target Of Interest As It Bears A Close Resemblance To The Sun Within Our Galaxy And Astronomers Have Been Itching To Study It But The Fact There's A Galaxy Just Behind It Makes For An Interesting Yet Annoying Presence Astronomers Have Given This Cosmic Body The Name Vermin For The Fact That The Light From It Gets In The Way Of Them Being Able To Study The Closer Star In Its System So Its Name Came From Their Annoyance At The Fact That It Won't Let Them Conduct More Studies As Opposed To Its Shape Or What It Looks Like That's Too Bad Because Dandelion Puff Would Have Been A Better Choice.

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