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Clash of Civilizations

  •  Our world has been established for millions of years. In it, the human race has traversed various stages. Different societies and cultures have emerged and disappeared due to the mingling of human beings. Even in the present world, there are several types of cultures, such as Western culture, Chinese culture, and Islamic culture. Some cultures have disappeared from the pages of history altogether, such as the Paranoiac culture of Egypt, and the Republic of Rome. Although their remnants are still present, they have ceased to exist in their entirety. Some cultures excel in dominating others through systematic colonization.
  •  Here, it is noteworthy that whenever culture is mentioned, it does not refer to any particular country. For example, if we mention Western culture now, Europe comes to mind because after the Second World War, the idea of ​​unifying the small kingdoms of Europe into one European state with zero politics has perhaps been around for centuries. Despite being nations within Europe, there is no war or bombings. There are no guns fired there; no bombs explode. When the people and the government work together towards a common goal, it is called economy. The people of Belgium are Belgians, along with Europeans; the people of Germany are Germans, along with Europeans. The same experience was also adopted by America's founding father, Lieutenant General George Washington, and his establishment. It was also tried and tested in newly settled or ruined islands such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and its work not only succeeded but is still ongoing.
  •  So whenever the name of Western culture comes up, it will mean all these countries.
  •  So, it is clear from all this that culture does not refer to any particular country. One culture can prevail in several countries. Religion plays the most significant role in influencing culture. It means that one culture can decide which religion to choose, or not choose at all. Not choosing religion entirely does not mean that it does not play a role in society or culture. In the ancient Egyptian culture, Pharaohs (who were kings of their time) called themselves gods, and this was their religion and lifestyle. When someone invited them to Allah, they considered it a challenge to their kingship, their invented religion, country, and lifestyle. Similarly, the ancient Greek republic had its religion, which was based on many deities, gods, and various mythical stories. The repetition is that in any era, the primary unit of culture and civilization has always been religion.
  •  In the present era, when different cultures emerge, it is evident that whenever there is a clash between one and the other, religion will also be involved. And in this, one's lifestyle will surely clash with the other's. One will feel that his religion, country, and lifestyle are all in danger. For example, when Europe feels its culture is threatened, it sometimes raises slogans against Islam, sometimes associates Islam with terrorism. A speech made by the French President Macron in October 2020 on this topic is very meaningful, in which he directly targeted Islam and said that Islam is in danger. Although perhaps they want to say that our culture is in danger, the statement was made in complete opposition. Similarly, a similar statement was made by former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, challenging China for its lifestyle. Westerners have always had a stance that they see everyone through their own lens, whoever disagrees is a terrorist, etc. France had sought help from the Father of the Nation, George Washington, and his establishment, and he had ousted England from America. Freedom of Speech had also been imported from France and reached the capital of America, about which President Trump says we made a big mistake. Meaning, the fish has fallen into its own trap.
  •  Here, another noteworthy point is that Western culture is under the control of governments, but here, it is up to the people to do this because sometimes it seems that our governments want something else. This creates a contradiction, then corruption spreads, sometimes in the form of rallies and processions, and sometimes it appears in a very harsh tone. Then external forces come in between, and proxy wars become ours. Its price is also paid by the public.
  •  Then the role of Western media is very important in this, which is playing a very important role in spreading their culture. Not spreading, but here, people are so impressed that perhaps adopting it is considered empire and honor, and they are proud of it. This attitude is almost present in all those countries which have been some kind of Western colony and have been subjected to slavery.
  •  Here, its expression is often, for example, celebrating various days, which have no connection with us at all, such as Valentine's Day, Labor Day, Birth Day. Take Birth Day, for example; it was started by the Egyptian Pharaohs. History tells us that it was limited only to kings or Pharaohs. From there, it came to the Romans. The Romans were the first to adopt the practice of putting up wax statues because they believed that it would ward off evil spirits. Then when Rome became Christian, this event also became a part of the Christian religion. But it had not yet reached the common people. This work was finally done by capitalism. German bakers made a cake for it and started selling it to the public, and gradually, this event of kings came to the reach of a common man and became an essential part of Western culture and lifestyle. But it is surprising that today it is so common in our culture as if we were not born without it. On top of that, in the frenzy of Media Day, Face book is now telling me the Birth Day of those people I have not met in ten years. Capitalism wins everywhere.
  •  Anyway, a single conference on the war of cultures is not enough. The only thing is how we can save ourselves from this war?

Lessons of Life

"In life, there are many moments of happiness and sorrow,

 but life continues to move forward because humans cannot be stagnant. Therefore, we cannot cling to one sorrow like a necklace and neither can we rely solely on one happiness. Instead, life compels us to strive for improvement and we learn to navigate life's challenges. However, as we age, we learn five lessons of life that most people cannot grasp early on.

We often take the love of our life partners, friends, and family members for granted, assuming that maintaining relationships doesn't require any effort. However, the reality is quite the opposite. Relationships are like flowers that require timely attention, care, and nurturing. To sustain relationships, we must invest time and make sacrifices. It's only later in life that we realize we've neglected our invaluable treasures of relationships in our busy lives and lost them. Relationships may exist over time, but they become lifeless entities devoid of any essence.

Another crucial point is that we cannot take care of our families until we ourselves are healthy, happy, and content. Both physical and mental well-being necessitate regular exercise, walking, yoga, swimming, or any physical activity that keeps us healthy. However, despite understanding this, our entire lives pass by, and we only pay attention to ourselves when we involuntarily become victims of illness, and walking or exercising becomes a remedy for us.

Our friends, loved ones, and family members want our time, but each of us has become so busy nowadays that we don't have time to give to anyone. Even on holidays and festivals, we just exchange messages. In the race for money, we've progressed so much that the only concept of real happiness for us is money. Although money is crucial in human life, spending time with friends and spending quality time with our family is even more important.

Every day brings us a new message; we can learn something new every day and enhance our knowledge and skills. We can present ourselves as better individuals in society. It's a misconception that we're now matured and can't do anything more. The truth is that there's never a delay in learning something new every day. We're all human and there's no limit to developing the best qualities in us. For believers, every day is a celebration when they haven't done anything wrong.

Humans are social animals; we can't do anything alone, but we also realize much later how dependent we are on others for many things. Just as we have many needs tied to others, people also have many needs tied to us. Learning the art of conversation is truly admirable, and it's also an emotional skill in how we express ourselves in certain situations and make people feel our presence. Successful individuals learn these five lessons of life before spending time so that they can avoid hardships in life."

Good Health

The Secret to Good Health .Domestic Garden:

Try a domestic garden once and reap countless benefits. A domestic garden is also known as a kitchen garden. It is the process of growing vegetables on a household scale. For centuries, humans have been growing vegetables at home so they can have control over their food. Vegetables are an essential part of the human diet and also a secret to good health. They can be grown in a small piece of land, pots, plastic bottles, and wooden crates.

In terms of health, domestic gardens have many benefits.

Nutritional and Medicinal Benefits..

In most areas, all four seasons are found luckily, and during these seasons, different types of crops are possible. That means some vegetable can be obtained all year round. Vegetables are called "protective food" due to their nutritional and medicinal benefits. Because they contain abundant quantities of all the necessary nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and salts to maintain health and optimum development of the body. The usefulness of vegetables in preventing and treating diseases is well established.

Vegetables help in the elimination of waste materials from the body, clean the cholesterol deposits in the intestines, and are an elixir for brain development. Their balanced use creates immunity against various diseases in the body and eliminates acidity in the stomach. Therefore, they are a basic part of the human diet.

.Improving Overall Health

Gardening is an excellent activity that affects human physical, mental, and emotional health. It is excellent physical exercise that reduces weight and improves health. Overweight is itself a cause of many diseases. Many nutritional requirements of humans are fulfilled by the various vegetables grown at home. According to the World Health Organization, more than fifty percent of pregnant women in developed countries suffer from anemia due to iron deficiency, while iron is found in abundance in vegetables. Domestic gardening is the best solution to the problem of food shortage.

Furthermore, colorful vegetables enhance the beauty of homes, improve the environment, and add to mental peace. Throughout the day, colorful butterflies flying on plants and birds enchanting with their magical voices fill the environment with joy.

Environmental and  Seasonal

 Improvement Means

Nature has created many plants from which various agricultural and environmental benefits can be obtained, and according to modern research, they can be easily grown in domestic gardens. For example, mint is unparalleled in protecting against various types of pests. While there are many benefits to eating mint, its scent is effective in repelling mosquitoes and flies. Wherever its pot is placed, mosquitoes will flee from there, and humans can be protected from diseases such as malaria and dengue. Moreover, plants release oxygen into the air and absorb carbon dioxide, i.e., absorb bad air, playing an important role in cleansing our homes of air pollution.

The shortage of trees in the environment where summers are getting hotter due to one side of the drought, on the other hand, has been the cause of destruction due to heavy rains, floods, and storms. In Pakistan, for the past several years, crops have been destroyed due to more than usual and untimely rains. Experts believe that if people plant more varieties of fruits and vegetables on higher ground in their homes and keep chickens, they will not suffer from food shortages at least. The current government has made various efforts to control the shortage of trees, including the "Plant Ten Billion Trees" campaign.

Means of Saving and Increasing Income

On the one hand, saving is possible from domestic gardening. A significant part of our household income comes from buying kitchen items. When daily vegetables are available from home, this amount will be saved. And saving is also possible by using various domestic remedies for vegetables.

On the other hand, excess plants and vegetables are also a means of increasing income. These plants can be supplied to various nurseries and institutions, while leafy vegetables grown in fresh, chemical-free, and clean water are rarely available nowadays and are very expensive in big cities. The business of these vegetables is profitable. Similarly, we know that vegetables have also been used in domestic remedies to enhance beauty since ancient times. Making various beauty products from these vegetables at home can be profitable.


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