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10 Scientifically Impossible Places That Actually Exist -P2

The seven wonders of the natural world may have been named to quickly Wonders like the Grand Canyon and Victoria Falls are certainly big and anyone who sees them will surely be impressed But sheer size isn't enough to truly leave a person in awe. There are other places in this world though that are far stranger places that seem almost alien as if they could only exist on a planet that evolved separately from our own these are places that Scientists have had to struggle just to understand how they ever could have been formed places that will truly make you wonder not just because they're beautiful but because they seem to follow Scientific laws that don't exist anywhere else on earth.(P2)

Lake Karachay- Soviet Union

The Soviet Union had many nuclear facilities and most of them were ill planned and unsafe Inside one such factory there is a lake the lakes water has more radioactive material than anywhere else on earth Lake Karachay is so radioactive that you will die within an hour if you stand near it Soviets dumped nuclear waste into the lake their nuclear practices have caused a few problems with the lake in the past in 1957 an explosion blew the factory apart and the radioactive particles spread more than 23,000 kilometers the area is more radioactive than Chernobyl The lake has been covered with concrete to keep these disasters from happening Still the entire place is eerily unstable and massively radioactive

has Dolan lights

Residents of his doll and Valley Norway are continually living in a realm of great scientific mystery Almost every night lights appear in the sky. They are of bright colors. They dance around shift shapes unmistakably and disappear only to appear the next day during the night. This has been going on for four decades at least Scientists are perplexed by this mystery There are theories though but none seems to be good enough since at least the early 1930s people have spotted the lights and Hypothesized what could be causing them one theory suggests that the lake is radioactive The radon Rides dust particles and upon elevations it decays and produces lights Another theory suggests that the base of the valley is full of sulfuric acid Sulfur reacts to the water and produces what scientists call sparks Hundreds of tests have been performed to pinpoint the exact cause but to no avail

the Doubletree of kiss or sow

In the countryside of pia Monti Italy There is an unusual sight. There is a cherry tree there that looks in most respects Just like any other healthy cherry tree except that it happens to be growing directly on top of a mulberry tree This isn't completely unprecedented Parasitic trees have grown out of others before But normally they are small stunted things that live short lives before falling off the double tree of couse orzo though consists of two fully formed healthy trees each spreading its branches 5 meters across Nobody quite knows how it happened the locals believe that a bird may have dropped a cherry seed on top of the mulberry tree The seed grew roots that push through the mulberry trees hollow trunk and reached all the way to the soil below Letting it survive and grow into a full healthy tree

 Devil's kettle

As far as natural mysteries go The Devil's kettle in Minnesota is one of the most intriguing ones at a Particular point along the Brule River the river's water splits into two one split continues Its course onto the Lake Superior and the other split. Well, we have no clue where it goes Scientists know it has to end up somewhere, but we don't know where that is Scientists first tried putting dye into the kettle and waited to see which part of the lake turns up colors It was a futile effort. Nothing turned up Next they decided to try it with ping pong balls. They also vanished without a trace What the hell is going on? We all know that laws of science dictate that the water has to turn up somewhere Even if it is being stored underground there should be markings and it should be traceable Aliens parallel universe glitch in our programming some Mayan trick your guess is as good as mine


number eight movile cave

In southeastern Romania there is a cave that was locked away from the slightest ray of light for five point five million years and that Has a completely different atmosphere from the earth. The cave was discovered by workers looking to set up a power plant they tested the ground to see if it was a safe place to build and Cracked open a pathway that leads into one of the strangest places on earth If you descend through the narrow shaft and past a series of tunnels you enter a chamber with a lake of sulfuric water stinking of rotten eggs, the air there is toxic filled with hydrogen sulfide and contaminated with 100 times the surfaces level of carbon dioxide The strangest part though. Is that a whole ecosystem has survived inside it Researchers have found 33 species inside the cave that don't exist anywhere outside of it They've adapted to survive in a sulfuric atmosphere living by feeding off a foam on top of the stones



10 Scientifically Impossible Places That Actually Exist-P1

The seven wonders of the natural world may have been named to quickly Wonders like the Grand Canyon and Victoria Falls are certainly big and anyone who sees them will surely be impressed But sheer size isn't enough to truly leave a person in awe. There are other places in this world though that are far stranger places that seem almost alien as if they could only exist on a planet that evolved separately from our own these are places that Scientists have had to struggle just to understand how they ever could have been formed places that will truly make you wonder not just because they're beautiful but because they seem to follow Scientific laws that don't exist anywhere else on earth

never-ending lightning storm - Western Venezuela

In Western Venezuela over the Catatumbo River there is a storm that never ceases Starting at 7:00 p.m. Every night lightning crashes over the water for 10 hours every night 260 nights each year Nobody knows for sure why it happens up until recently the leading theory was that it had something to do with uranium in the bedrock Although scientists are starting to doubt it today the leading theory is a complicated one It posits that the shape of the mountains caused warm trade winds to collide with cold air from the Andes That collision is then fueled by the rapidly evaporating water below and methane from a nearby oil field Nobody actually knows for sure though why it happens Everything about it is mysterious Including one moment in 2010 when it inexplicably stopped one day the storm just died down without Explanation and seemed for a while to be over then after six weeks of silence It sparked up again and has been raging ever since

number 2 the boiling River

Deep in the Amazon lies a river four miles long and unlike any other on earth The shehnai Tim fishka is so hot that any animal that steps into it gets boiled alive When a hapless creature wanders in the eyes cook first melting in its skull Soon the animal is in too much pain to keep swimming to safety water fills its mouth and lungs and it is cooked from the inside out the River gets as hot as 91 degrees Celsius 196 degrees Fahrenheit and Scientists aren't completely sure. Why? Normally water that gets this hot is fed by a volcano But this one is 700 kilometers removed from the nearest one. There is a theory though scientists believe that boiling hot water from under the earth cracks through fault lines and heats up the river making the water a geothermal system unlike any other on earth

the sleeping -city of cahuachi Kazakhstan

The city of cahuachi Kazakhstan is not Disney's creation. It is as real as it gets citizens of kolache face a very peculiar epidemic People just collapse into naps randomly even while walking on the road They also report memory loss fatigue and hallucinations The epidemic affects people from all genders and ages Kazakhstan has even recommended evacuations But they are no closer to solving the problem one theory suggests that the residents are facing some kind of radiation poisoning Since the area is near a uranium mine However, there are flaws in that theory all the blood tests and other monitoring has turned up zero evidence Secondly, there is a town which is closer to the mind than kolache and they have reported no such epidemic 

circles of Namibia

There is an ecological mystery sitting throughout Namibian deserts There are fields of grass with circles carved in them at regular intervals The circles are almost perfectly created and can range from 10 to 65 feet in diameter And by the way, if you are thinking of the movie the signs you are not alone Forget explaining the circles Scientists are not even sure of the more basic questions such as why are there circles? Why not any random shape? Nothing grows in these circle patches scientists have come up with various theories and all have been debunked almost immediately in 2013 Norbert Jergens an environmental scientist said that termites were the cause of the circles, but in 2015 biologist Walter Schinkel tested the hypothesis and disproved it


the hum of Taos

A Barely audible buzzing sound that you cannot pinpoint can infuriate you we have all been there when a distant lawnmower or our TV starts making a buzz and Unless and until we don't find where it's coming from. It feels like our brain is eating itself from the  nside Now imagine the pain and frustration of residents of Taos in New Mexico since the early 1990s Large numbers of residents of Taos have complained about a constant humming sound It can be heard all around the town and has driven people nuts For twenty years various investigators have tried to locate the hum But to no success some scientists have hypothesized that the town's residents are super hearers who can detect sound that ordinary humans can't But doesn't that raise more questions than it answers





northern lights

Northern Lights

on Arctic nights the aurora often flames across the winter sky what is it and where does it come from this is where the tale of the Aurora starts on the Sun a star of average size among billions of other stars in our Milky Way the son acts as an enormous power plant the energy is created deep inside the core of the Sun here the temperature is over 14 million degrees and the pressure so enormous that hydrogen atoms are squeezed together into another

element helium this nuclear reaction releases energy the light radiates outward from the core of the Sun in the outer layers the heat moves to the surface in huge Eddie's called convection cells these electrical currents of charged gas create magnetic fields inside the Sun in some places strong magnetic fields push their way up through the surface they slow down the eddies of hot gas the surface cools and darker sunspots appear

the electrically charged gas is called plasma the plasma drags the magnetic field further outwards the magnetic field stretches and twists like a rubber band then the rubber band breaks several billion tons of plasma is hurled out from the Sun this is called a solar storm the solar storm can reach speeds over eight million kilometres an hour after six hours it blows past the planet Mercury after 12 hours the planet Venus after 18 hours the solar storm reaches earth when the solar storm reaches our planet something strange happens an invisible shield the Earth's magnetic field deflects the storm the magnetic fields coupled together and create a funnel for the gas streams down on the daylight side of the pole this is the daylight Aurora the magnetic fields stretch further back and couple together the magnetic rubber band breaks and gas from the solar storm streams along the magnetic lines towards the poles on the night side this is the nighttime Aurora

Mission Voyagers


43 years ago on September 5th 1977 NASA had launched its voyager 1 a space probe that was created to conduct studies of the outer solar system it took off into the sky on NASA's mission headed for a closer look at the outside planets their moons and their ring systems unknown to people at the time these probes would go a whole lot further studying unexplored territory and aiding scientists and understanding energy and radiation in space voyager 1 was launched 16 days after its twin voyager 2. on December 15 1977 on a faster and more direct route than its twin it had officially overtaken voyager 2 hurtling toward Jupiter and Saturn it was April 1978 when voyager 1 began its Jovian imaging mission the space probe was about 165 million miles from the planet by January 1979 images were being sent back that revealed Jupiter’s atmosphere it looked much more turbulent than what had been previously captured by January 30th 1979 voyager 1 was taking pictures every 96 seconds it took these snapshots for a duration of 100 hours producing a color time lapse of Jupiter rotating 10 times in early march it discovered a thin ring circling Jupiter about 19 miles thick on march 5th 1979 voyager 1 got as close to Jupiter as it ever would about 174.000 away it met quite a few of Jupiter’s moons first there was omothea then low Europe Ganymede callisto and interestingly two new moons thebe and Métis the space probe sent back breathtaking photos of their terrain flying by low voyager one's images showed a yellow orange and brown surface with at least eight active volcanoes spewing material into space having this information we now know that it's one of the most geologically active planetary bodies in the solar system because of the active volcanoes scientists believe that the sulfur and oxygen in Jovian space may be a product of the volcanic plumes coming from low which are rich in sulfur dioxide in preparation for its meeting with Saturn voyager 1 corrected its trajectory firing its thrusters just after Ronald Reagan had been elected president it then corrected again so that the probe wouldn't hit Saturn’s moon titan in November 1979 voyager 1 flew by Saturn and found five new moons a ring system tiny particles called spokes and a new ring called the g-ring the spacecraft captured its moons titan nemas and solidus tethus  dyoni and ria which all appeared to be composed largely of ice while passing titan voyager 1 found a thick atmosphere that completely hit its surface composed of 90 percent nitrogen titan suddenly was the first body in the solar system apart from earth where liquid might be present on its surface the presence of nitrogen and methane also indicated that prebiotic chemical reactions might be possible on this moon an amazing discovery on February 14 1990 voyager 1's cameras were directed backward capturing 60 images of the sun and planets from these images came the pale blue dot made famous by Carl Sagan a Cornell university professor and voyager team member 67 000 images had been taken by the two voyager spacecrafts but these images were their last the voyager cameras were turned off to save power and memory for a new mission on the first day of the new year in 1990 voyager 1 and 2 became part of a voyager interstellar mission the goal was to extend nasa's exploration of the solar system in the outer limits of the sun's realm of impact and perhaps beyond it was February 17 1998 when voyager 1 overtook pioneer 10's previous feat becoming the new most distant human-made object in existence on December 16 2004 voyager scientists announced that the space probe had reached the heliosheath a region of the heliosphere beyond the termination shock on October 25th 2012 voyager 1 began measuring the interstellar environment the first ever spacecraft to do so voyager 1 continues to communicate with nasa's deep space network it still has four functioning instruments the cosmic ray telescope the low energy charged particles experiment the magnetometer and the plasma waves experiment both voyagers are now over 11 billion miles from the sun in 2019 engineers began planning for difficult times in an effort to maintain the instruments and thrusters on the spacecraft for as long as they can the two voyager probes have been flying longer than any other spacecraft in history and we hope that they continue flying  for many years to come before we end today's video we have to talk about the golden record do you think aliens will ever come across the voyager 1 just in case they do it has a record which holds messages from humankind to outer space it has greetings in 55 languages images of certain individuals and locations from earth and music varying from beethoven to chuck berry's johnny b good pretty cool huh if you have enjoyed this voyager 1 video then you might want to check out one of these two videos here in the next video we'll be diving into the spacex starship and its mission to mars if you'd like to keep updated with all of our future content



Unexplored places

 Every sci-fi fan knows that space is the final frontier. But not so fast: It turns out there are still a few places right here on Earth that we haven’t fully explored yet. But it's not from a lack of trying. So what secrets do these legendary locations hold for us? Here’s a look at the final frontiers of Earth that are still unexplored.


Gangkhar Puensum

An impressive peak on the border of Tibet and Bhutan, Gangkhar Puensum is the 40th-highest-mountain in the world. But so far, no human has managed to reach the summit. In 1986, a team from Britain a tempted the climb but were forced to turn back, one of four failed attempts to reach the top. Since then, nobody has been allowed to even attempt the climb, as the government in Bhutan, which considers the peak sacred, banned mountain climbing. And those who did arrive at the lower reaches before the ban reported all sorts of strange phenomenon, including weird lights, ghostly figures, magnetic anomalies, and even Yeti. Until and unless the climbing ban is lifted, it seems like Gangkhar Puensum is destined to remain shrouded in mystery.

The Mariana Trench

Located east of the Philippines in the Pacific Ocean, the Mariana Trench is the deepest place on the entire planet. At a staggering 36,201 feet deep, the Mariana Trench is so deep, if Mount Everest were placed at the bottom, there would still be well over a mile of ocean above it. First discovered in the 19th century, the deepest part of the Mariana Trench was explored in 1960. And more recently, Hollywood director James Cameron launched an expedition to the bottom of the trench, capturing some amazing images of never-before-seen sea life. Still, those two voyages only covered a tiny portion of the vast Mariana Trench, which extends for over 1,500 miles along the ocean floor. Most of it remains completely unexplored. Who knows what else may lurk beneath the black waves?


Antarctica's sub glacial lakes

For decades, scientists have been fascinated by the existence of sub glacial lakes lurking deep beneath the ice in frozen Antarctica. While a handful of them have been explored, dozens of lakes are buried beneath thousands of feet of snow and ice, with scientists believing they haven't seen the light of day for millions of years. As a result, the lakes are believed to have their own unique ecosystem that may contain thousands of never-before-seen life forms, including prehistoric species that long ago died off everywhere else on Earth. And the Antarctic lakes may also provide key insight into possible sub-glacial water deposits and ecosystems elsewhere in the solar system, such as Jupiter's moon Europe, or on Saturn's moon Escalades. For now, scientists are trying to figure out the best way to research the lakes without contaminating or destroying them. But it's expected that by 2035, reaching the lakes will be much easier thanks to global warming destroying the Antarctic glacier.

mysterious universe

The observable universe spreads across an expanse so big that it warps the imagination. And although there is a cosmic boundary we can see, many astronomers believe there could be much more out there in the darkness, billions and billions of light years away. And it seems there is something strange and mysterious out there with an immense gravity pulling on everything... Space is expanding at an accelerated rate, and giant space structures farther than we can see could be out there tearing space apart… And we may have found one of these in our own universe.

The universe is larger than we can comprehend. Currently, we know there are at least 100 to 200 billion galaxies out there that we can now see, but it’s a good chance there could be 2 trillion galaxies or more in our observable sphere alone, we just can’t see them. We all know that the observable universe is estimated to be approximately 13.7 billion years old. This is defined by the speed that light travels, and astronomers came up with the age of the universe by measuring light that has reached us from the oldest and most distant stars. We define ‘observable space’ by the light that has reached the Earth and can be seen. Cosmologists estimate the oldest photons we can currently see have traveled a distance of 45-47 billion light-years since the hotly debated Big Bang theory. This means that our sphere of observable universe is around 93-billion light years across. To give you an idea of how big this really is, one light-year, which is the unit of astronomical distance that light travels in one year, is 9.46 trillion kilometers [5.88 trillion miles]. With that in mind, the big question is; how can the universe be 93 billion light-years across if it's only 13.7 billion years old? This means that the Universe could be older, much more than 14 billion years. We know that anything further away than the light we see from the beginning of the universe, or the cosmic ‘Big Bang’, hasn't had enough time to reach us. Thus, we can’t see what’s out there... It’s pitch black. But does this mean the edge that we can see is all there is? The truth is there could be a lot more out there. Ever since the Big Bang, the cosmos has been growing at an increasing rate. It was Edwin Hubble that discovered that the universe is expanding and that all galaxies are moving away from the Milky Way. Not only are these galaxies moving away from us, but the farther away they are, the faster they are flying away from us.

In fact, Hubble found that for each additional mega parsec of distance [Mega parsec is 3.26 million light years] galaxies receded 500 kilometers [310 miles] per second faster. This became known as the ‘Hubble Constant’, and the area of our observable universe is called the ‘Hubble Volume’. One thing we need to understand is that the word ‘observable’ in this sense doesn’t refer to the capability of our current modern technology to detect light or other information from an object, or even if there is anything to be detected. Observable here in this case refers to the physical limit of the speed of light itself which is its maximum speed. [300,000 kilometers per second] When talking about the distance of anything in space, we’re also talking about time. Looking up into the night sky is a little bit like time-traveling.

All those glittering stars in the night are only snapshots of what those stars looked like in the past. Just think about it, some stars and other objects in the cosmos are so far away that their light can take thousands to millions of years to reach planet Earth. And if there is something beyond the edge of the observable universe that we can’t currently see, it means that these objects are so far away from us that their light still hasn’t reached us. The cosmic horizon is the measure of the distance from which we can retrieve information. But is there something out there past what we can see? It’s really tough to answer this. However, to get some idea if there is something out there, we need to take into consideration the curvature of the observable universe. The thing is that astronomers aren’t really sure if the universe is infinitely big, or just vastly huge. In order to measure the universe, astronomers look at its geometric curve on large scales which tells us about its overall shape.

If the universe is perfectly geometrically flat, then it can be infinite. But if it’s curved like Earth’s surface, or is like a bubble, then it has finite volume. Current observations and measurements of the curvature of the universe show that it is almost perfectly flat, like a sheet of paper. That would indicate that it must go on forever. We know with some certainty that there is more ‘universe’ out there beyond the boundary that we can see. Astronomers believe that space could be infinite with more of what we already see, and it’s probably distributed the same way as it is here in the observable part. Now here is one of the mind blowing things to think about if the universe is infinite. If this were to be true, then you wouldn’t just find stars, different planets, and galaxies, you would eventually find every possible thing. Think about that for just a would find everything. If you went far enough, you would find a solar system identical to ours in every way, including a planet Earth, and your twin..except that a copy of you might have eaten cereal this morning instead of a version of you that skipped breakfast altogether. It’s a fact that some cosmologists think if you go far enough, you would eventually find another ‘Hubble Volume’ that is identical to ours with a version of yourself mirroring your every action. Now while that might sound impossible to what our minds can grasp and understand, there is something else very strange and unexpected that was discovered by astronomers in 2008. They found that galactic clusters were all streaming in the same direction at over 3,218,688 kilometers per hour! [2 million MPH]. It is a phenomenon called Dark Flow. This movement of galaxies defies all predictions about the distribution of mass throughout the universe after the Big Bang. So what is the mysterious gravitational pull on all these galaxies? One possible cause could be massive structures that are outside of the Hubble Volume that are exerting a massive gravitational influence. In simpler terms, massive objects with a huge gravitational force pulling everything towards them.

If true, this would mean that the structure of the infinite universe beyond our view is not uniform. No one knows what these structures could be. It’s possible they are aggregations of matter, and energy on scales we can barely fathom, or they could be gravitational forces of other universes. Speaking of massive structures, there is one in our universe that is so big that it shouldn’t even exist. In fact, it’s the biggest structure in the observable universe. It’s called the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall and it measures 10-billion light years across. It’s so big that it makes up 11% of the observable universe. To put this further into perspective, if you were traveling at the speed of light, it would take you 10 billion years to get from one end to the other. So why shouldn’t it exist? The problem is that astronomers have no idea how this ‘great wall’ formed only a few billion years after the big bang, and could have grown so big in such a short time. This means there could be giant structures like these out there pulling on everything, including space. One day it could very well rip apart the fabric of space-time itself. And speaking of gravitational forces from other universes, some astronomers believe that the post Big Bang expansion of the universe created bubbles that formed in the structure of space, and each of these bubbles is an area that stopped stretching along with the rest of space and formed its own universe with its own physical laws. In this scenario, not only is space infinite, but each bubble is also infinite because you can store an infinite number of infinities inside a single infinity. To make that seem a little more clear, even if you could breach the boundary of our bubble, the space in between bubbles is still expanding. So in the reality of space time, you could never get to the next bubble no matter how fast you traveled. But will we one day have the technology to see what is beyond the edge of the universe we can now see? The sad reality is that light from any object outside of the Hubble Volume will never reaches because the space between us and it is expanding too quickly. For example, we may never see what a galaxy looked like 10 billion years after the Big Bang. This doesn’t have anything to do with our limited technology, but instead the physical limits of the speed of light itself. This means that any light emitted by objects at a distance of 19 billion parsecs [1 parsec = 3.26 light years], will never reach the Earth. As time goes on, more and more points in space will have time for their light to reach us, which means that the observable universe is still increasing in size, and that also mean that the age of the universe will increase. That said, you might think that one day, if humanity is around long enough, the entire universe would become observable to us. But since space in the universe is continually expanding, the distance between us and everything else becomes farther and farther each second. However, the James Webb Space Telescope will be able to look farther into space, will look backward in time, and just may give us more answers to what else exists out there. In a sense, it is a time machine, and will be able to see further into the past. With that said, we want to know what you think is out there, and do you believe that the universe is infinite and there is someone just like you somewhere billions and billions of light years away? Let us know what you think.

Black Hole


we all know nothing can escape it we get it already but is it possible for something to escape a black hole and if you fell into one what would really happen the answer is probably going to surprise you and it's not what you think also new research shows that what we thought was a black hole in the middle of the milky way galaxy might not even be a black hole at all so what is it a tesseract  full of bookshelves or maybe the home of cthulhu  or perhaps it's something far more.

Mysterious it's pretty safe to say that we have no idea what a black hole is what's going on inside or if it's something else completely it's not like we can directly image one but at least we can now get images of their huge shadows in space in 2019 astronomers grabbed the first ever image of a black hole and a new polarized image shows powerful magnetic fields wrapping around a huge black hole shadow this super massive black hole is some 55 million light years away from us and is bigger than the entire solar system we're going to use this massive black hole for a simulation that involves you and a friend but we'll get to that in a bit you know the whole thing about nothing being able to escape a black hole well is this really true when a black hole eats up a star or a bunch of gas they generate a powerful flow of high energy particles close to the event horizon the ring of fire called hawking radiation at the edge and if a black hole is really chewing on something like a massive star powerful x-ray jets shoot out and the black hole becomes a quasar the brightest objects in the universe who says light can't escape it well now we have another argument about nothing being able to escape a hungry black hole this is because astronomers captured a neutron star in an elliptical orbit around a black hole that survived being swallowed completely however the dead star didn't get away from the black hole unscathed astronomers captured images of massive x-ray flares being belched out by the black hole as it was eating the star's material the star is trapped on a nine-hour elliptical orbit around the black hole and at its closest orbit the black hole rips off more of the star's material and becomes bigger it will try hard to get away but there's no escape as the black hole will eat it more and more until there's nothing left so now we all understand how powerful a black hole can be even

swallowing each other now you might be wondering what the closest one to earth is and if we're in any danger of a black hole eating us sometime soon just recently scientists discovered one of the smallest black holes ever found and it just so happens it's also the closest to earth astronomers have named it the unicorn because so far it's the only one of its kind and it's in the constellation monasteries the unicorn it's about three times the mass of our sun which is tiny for a black hole and it's about 1500 light years from earth which means you don't need to worry it's not goanna come and swallow us up anytime soon that's because black holes don't usually move and sit in one place eating up everything that gets too close to them but that doesn't mean they can't move and here's a scary thought in 2021 researchers got a big surprise when they discovered a super massive black hole racing across the universe at 177 000 kilometres per hour the big mystery is that astronomers don't know why the black hole which is three million times heavier than our sun is speeding through the center of the galaxy about 230 million light years away now that sounds crazy and it sounds fast but in 2017 scientists clocked another super massive black hole hurtling through space at 7.2 million kilometres per hour an enormous force would have to be responsible to get these things moving through space that fast maybe what we are seeing is the result of two black holes colliding the massive collision sending the other flying wildly through space so now we've all learned what happens when something gets too close and is sucked into a black hole so what happens to a person and could you survive the trip  now we've all heard that if you somehow get sucked into a black hole you would be stretched out or spaghetti  maybe even crushed or well you get the idea now this might be true if the black hole was small enough but a black hole let's say 30 to 100 times more massive than the Sun that's where reality becomes really strange the moment you entered a black hole reality would split you in two or clone you in one of these realities you would be incinerated and in the other you would plunge into the black hole and fall through it without being harmed how is this possible you ask well a black hole is a place where the laws of physics break down Einstein said that gravity warps space itself causing it to curve and space-time can become so warped that it twists in on itself yes we know that's a lot for the mind to wrap around so it's time for thought experiment in the beginning we said we were going to run a simulation involving you and a friend let's say that you both signed up to go on an adventure to the nearest black hole one of you will go in and the other will be an observer you flipped the coin your friend is going to watch you in horror as you plunge toward the black hole while they remain floating away at a safe distance now this is where it gets weird as you accelerate towards the event horizon your friend sees you stretch and contort as if they were looking at you through a giant magnifying glass but as you get closer to the horizon you appear to move in slow motion and as you reach the horizon you remain there motionless stretched across the surface of the horizon and the heat begins to engulf you your friend sees you slowly obliterated by the stretching of space and the ring of fire called hawking radiation before you get a chance to cross over into the darkness of the black hole 

you are reduced to ash game over but don't plan your funeral just yet we need to view this scene from your point of view because something even stranger happens nothing that's right from your perspective you would sail straight into the ominous black hole without so much as a scratch no slow stretching and no scolding hawking radiation either the reason is that you are in a free-for-all and therefore you feel no gravity if the black hole was smaller you'd have a problem because the force of gravity would be stronger at your feet than your head and stretch you out like spaghetti but something way more massive than our sun the forces would be small enough you wouldn't notice them but the sad and lonely part about this adventure is  that you would live out the rest of your life pretty normally until you reached the singularity but what's wrong with your friend and why are they telling everyone that you've been barbecued to a crisp by radiation outside of the horizon while you're chilling inside the black hole actually you really were burned to a crisp at the horizon and you are inside the black hole at the same time this is because the laws of nature require that you remain outside the black hole as seen from your friend's perspective

and quantum physics demands that information can never be lost and all information that accounts for your existence has to remain on the outside of the horizon however the laws of physics also require that you sail through the horizon without being fired by hot particles otherwise you would be in violation of Einstein’s theory of general relativity now some of you are going to say no way and you have to admit it's a conclusion that seems nonsensical how can a black hole clone me you're asking physicists called this mind-bending conundrum that black hole information paradox but in reality there's no paradox because no one ever sees your clone your friend only sees one of you and you only see yourself neither one of you can compare notes and no one really knows what happens and it doesn't matter if we try to send someone or some spacecraft inside of a black hole to relay back some data once inside there will be no way for a signal to get out and you'd be lost forever but what an awesome trip it would be so what about the mystery of the black hole in the middle of the milky way galaxy for years it was widely accepted that Sagittarius a is a black hole in the middle of the milky way galaxy however some astrophysicists from Italy now say the object which is as big as four million suns might not be a black hole after all the reason is that a huge gas cloud came close to the black hole the gravitational forces of Sagittarius a should have eaten the cloud but the cloud of Cass survived with an issue could it be the home of cthulhu well while we love to joke about this the answer might just be as mysterious some scientists say that the center could be a big bundle of that incredibly elusive stuff they call dark matter which is invisible and thought to account for 80 percent of the total matter in the universe but cannot be detected because it doesn't interact with light now scientists have proposed that black holes themselves could be formed out of dark matter which would explain why they conform so quickly before the galaxies around them and one day that might be proven to be true we're starting to find out more every day and tomorrow we might find out everything we thought we knew is wrong so make sure you stay tuned here so we can discover the universe together

5 Impressive Highway Megaprojects

 Mega projects all over the world constantly bring on feelings of awe and wonder from people who see them huge dams that hold back massive bodies of water giant skyscrapers that can be seen from miles around all of them speak volumes to the scale of modern engineering but how often do we forget about the simple things like roads and highways we see them so often that their grandeur almost fizzles into obscurity in reality there are some major highway mega projects all over the world that can be just as impressive as things like dams or skyscrapers from china to the united states here are five of the world's most impressive highway mega projects  

it's pretty safe to say that all of us have traveled on a highway at some point and had to navigate an insanely complex interchange the interstate joins with the highway but not before branching off into that other road at this exit and well you get the picture well that's exactly what it looks like in china in the city of Chongqing this is one of the most extreme interchanges found anywhere on earth construction began in 2009 but the massive knot of roads and highways wasn't completed until 2017. this gigantic structure consists of 18 different ramps that go off in eight directions on five different levels the highest level is over 37 meters above the ground although it may be super cool to look at from the outside motorists consider this thing a huge headache and a nightmare to navigate reports have shown that even gps systems have trouble finding their way around on this interchange however officials still defend it and claim that the directions and exits on the interchange are clearly marked and even if you make a mistake they have made it easy to simply turn around well take a look and see for yourselves let us know in the comments if you believe them.


when cities start growing real estate can be very hard to come by oftentimes the city wants to plan on expanding and upgrading things but previous landowners can make it very difficult as they want to hold on to what they have that was the case in Osaka Japan when redevelopment of the area was approved but a wooden charcoal business wanted to hold onto the property rights for a certain plot of land there were plans for a highway to be built so any building permits were put on hold developers and officials frustrated began negotiating with the owner and after some time a very unique compromise was reached after a five-year negotiation the property owners and hashing expressway corporation reached a settlement the highway would cut through the building that's right through the building floors five six and seven are occupied by the highway while the rest of the floors are office spaces the highway itself doesn't even make contact with the building it passes through as a bridge held up by supports next to the building additionally it is surrounded by a structure that protects the buildings and its tenants from noise and vibrations regardless it's truly an impressive structure that does not exist anywhere else on earth  

just outside of Washington dc lies an area known as the mixing bowl but it is officially the Springfield interchange located in the city of Springfield Virginia it connects three of the area's busiest roadways interstate 95 interstate 395 and interstate 495. it earned the name mixing bowl because prior to the reconstruction local drivers as well as long distance drivers had to merge very far to the left or right in order to reach their destinations originally built in the 1960s it was meant to be a simple interchange between i-95 and the capital beltway however after residents voiced opposition to the interstate running through dc i-95 had to be shifted to the eastern portion of the beltway by the 1970s the converging of the various interstates brought over 150000 vehicles per day by the mid-90s the interchange was seeing some 180 accidents per year eventually the Virginia department of transportation took action and started an eight-year seven-phase reconstruction project that would alleviate the major congestion and danger they did this to not only help alleviate costs but to allow for better traffic management as this is one of the most high traffic areas in the country in the end it was one of the largest highway construction projects in us history costing 676 million dollars however it is also one of the most impressive interchanges 

in the nation china is known for having some of the greatest superstructures in the world it's almost necessary with so many people in the country after all there are over 50 cities in china that have populations of more than one million people so it makes perfect sense that the people of china would become experts at building everything on a much larger scale this is what brings us to shanghai china where we have the yan on elevated road and interchange construction on this interchange began in November of 1995 and was completed in 1996 going through the busy Nanjing east road residential district the yen on elevated road stretches for over 15 kilometers and enters at an immaculate exchange that is one of the most photographed urban areas in the country the construction of the interchange itself is nothing short of artistic when viewed from above this convergence of many roads looks like something of a flower or some sort of a snowflake in its geometric shape the beauty is only multiplied once the sun goes down and night falls on the city the bottom of the bridge is illuminated in various shades of blue purple and pink pictures of this area can be found anywhere from calendars and desktop backgrounds to postcards to top it all off this interchange is one of the only six level stacks in the world 

one of the most peaceful things you can ever do is to take a nice drive through the mountains but as far as infrastructure and highway mega projects are concerned mountains pose a significant challenge all of the undulating topography various geographic features and natural formations make building any sort of a highway extremely difficult it's why you rarely find a mountain highway anywhere in the world with more than a couple of lanes however the Chinese government came up with a bigger and better plan than to just build according to the topography instead of building roads that go around the mountains they might as well just build roads that go over the mountains and that's exactly what they did in the human province two of the most traveled and most important highways in the area are the Baotou Mao Ming expressway and the yon shun ji show highway with the country still growing by leaps and bounds the area was in need of having a place where the major roads could converge and give travelers the ability to more easily get to any destination however the area is also a very rural and mountainous region this made it nearly impossible to simply lay down a few sections of road and curve them around these various peaks it took more engineering skill so designers set to work and what they came up with was nothing short of an engineering marvel instead of building a round they built over these highways are supported by long bridges that stretch for miles in each direction coming together into one group of roads right in the middle of a valley when seen from above the full grandeur of this mega project can be fully appreciated now various towns and cities have direct routes between one another trips that once took many hours and sometimes even days can now be made in only a couple of hours at most we may think we have an understanding of how amazing infrastructure can be but these huge builds will really make you realize that there is so much more that is possible when it comes to highway mega projects

Mysterious Object-P3

 Over The Years Scientists Have Observed Some Unusual Anomalies In Outer Space From Massive Alien Superstructures To Unsettling Faces On Mars Here Are The Top 15 Most Mysterious Space Discoveries

Solar Terminator Events

the more we learn about the sun the more fascinating it becomes far from being a flaming ball of gas in the sky it's a complex network of magnetic fields plasma fountains and strange blobs of unexplained matter that are formed at its surface but recently researchers have discovered some of the most powerful events ever measured known as solar terminator events you probably know that the sun goes through a cycle of peaks and troughs in terms of activity every 11 years or so there are times when it's far more active than others towards the end of the cycle there are fewer sunspots and emissions so scientists were trying to find out what happens to kick start the process all over again they found that towards the end of the cycle weakened magnetic fields collide along the sun's equator and these trigger huge tsunamis of plasma that ripple across its surface for weeks at a time in the wake of these storms which are the most powerful to take place in the solar system giant spots begin to form on the sun and the cycle starts again quite how these terminator events are triggered is not known though and it's not entirely clear if this happens at the end of every cycle or whether it's less frequent than that one thing's for sure and that's that there's still a lot more to learn about the star that we rely on so much and what we find out could have profound consequences for us as a species

Planet Orbiting a Dead Star

in the dying stages of a star it will often go supernova which means it significantly expands in size and either destroys or expels any objects that are orbiting it at the time or at least that's how things were thought to happen a recent discovery however has shown that this is not always the case and is forced to rethink of what happens to everything in a solar system when the host star is run out of fuel after the supernova stage a star collapses back in on itself to create a super dense white dwarf these are littered throughout our galaxy and are often studied but one in particular returns some interesting results lying around 2 000 light years away from earth researchers measured emissions of hydrogen sulfur and oxygen that were coming from it which is quite unusual so they looked closer they found the elements were emanating from a ring of gas around the star which it turned out was trailing a Neptune-like planet that was orbiting it every 10 days it's something that had never been seen before and is yet to be seen anywhere either quite how the planet managed to survive so close to a star that was once supernova is not entirely clear but it proves that the assumptions that have been made about the evolution of star systemsneed to be revisited

Hyperion Saturn

 has 83 known moons that aren't within its rings and each one of them has its own unique properties the strangest of them all though is hyperion which was first discovered in it's an irregular shape has an unpredictable rotation and is covered in craters and it was the first non-spherical moon to ever be found the current theory of why hyperion is such a strange shape that it is was once a part of a much bigger moon that was destroyed in a collision and what we see is hyperion is all that remains this large proto-hyperion could have been up to 620 miles in diameter and the release of all this material would almost certainly have had an effect on other nearby moons and potentially added to Saturn’s rings a further mystery are the craters on its surface which are so deep that probes have been unable to image what's at the bottom of them it's often referred to as a sponge moon because of the way it looks recent estimates have suggested that as much as 40 percent of the moon is actually empty space this has led to the strange wobble in its orbit which doesn't appear to follow a set pattern like most other objects do it means that it exerts a weaker gravitational force than would be expected for something its size thought to be made purely of rock and ice the Cassini probe flew quite close to it in 2005 which is why there are such good images of the moon but this also found a further mystery of hyperion it has a slight electrical charge to it and right now no one knows why


when the decision was made to demote Pluto from being considered a proper planet it seemed like quite a major step to take in reality though it was because astronomers were only beginning to understand the objects that existed in the kipper belt at the edge of the solar system and it became clear that Pluto was just the first one of these to have been discovered there are far more mysterious  objects in that region of space though one of which is called haumea it's an oval-shaped dwarf planet that's about a tenth the size of earth with a diameter of 385 miles and has two moons of its own interestingly a day on haumea lasts for just four earth hours which makes it one of the fastest spinning objects in the whole of the solar system it's about 43 times the distance from the sun as earth is which means it takes light more than six hours to reach it takes 285 earth years to complete one rotation around the sun but what's not clear is how it formed in the first place and why it's such an unusual shape normally objects that form when material combines together will become spherical and it's very rare for something to spines fast as haumea does it's therefore thought that it was subjected to a large collision at some point in history one that changed its shape and speed forever if haumea is anything to go by the other objects in the kipper belt are likely to be just as strange which makes it one of the last uncharted regions still to explore in our nearby stellar neighborhood



borisov while omuamua was the first object to have been detected that originated from outside our solar system it is now long past us and it's impossible to study it anymore that's not a problem though because what they learned about it researchers have already managed to locate another object that also came from somewhere else a comet called borisov that had a tail more than a hundred thousand miles long the first close-up image of it was captured in November of 2019 where it was seen surrounded by a bright white glow the reason why it was certain that borisov isn't from our solar system is because it's trajectory and incredible speed it was moving so fast that it was only spotted several weeks before it passed earth and by now it's well on its way to leaving our solar system all together that's an impressive feat in itself considering it's taken voyager probes more than 40 years to accomplish the same thing as for its origins this still remains unclear the region between solar systems is virtually empty with no way for new rocks to be formed so it's unlikely that it came from a nearby star but with the nearest being more than four light years away from us it's been a long journey for it to get here

Mysterious Object-P2

Over The Years Scientists Have Observed Some Unusual Anomalies In Outer Space From Massive Alien Superstructures To Unsettling Faces On Mars Here Are The Top 15 Most Mysterious Space Discoveries

Elst- Pizarro

elst- pizarro  apart from planets moons and stars the objects that are most commonly seen in our solar system are comets and asteroids the two types of objects are distinguished by their properties with comets being made up of ice and rock that release a tail of vapor when they're warmed up by the sun and asteroids consisting of rock and in effect being miniature planets while virtually every object that's been discovered has fit into one of these two classifications elst- pizarro is the exception to the in 1979 it was designated as a minor planet with a stable orbit in between those of mars and Jupiter but the more it was studied the stranger it turned out to be it's not regarded as both an asteroid and a comet since it behaves like an asteroid and is orbiting where other asteroids come from but at the same time develops a tail during certain parts of its orbit this raises further questions because it could signify the presence of water in the asteroid belt which may provide clues as to where the water on earth came from in the first place the plan currently is to launch a probe in 2028 that will be able to land on elst- pizarro five years later and if it's able to collect the right samples it could even provide a deeper understanding for how our planet and perhaps life developed

Eight Faces On Mars

in the early days of space exploration a nasa probe called Viking 1 was orbiting mars to take photos to help mission control decide on a landing spot for Viking 2. when the images came back the world was stunned to see what looked like a giant face that was almost two miles long as protruded from the ground in a region called Sedona this obviously fueled speculation that it was an ancient monument built by inhabitants of the red planet because how could something like this occur naturally those working at nasa already suspected the truth was far less exciting that this was just a Martian mesa of which there are many and that shadows just so happen to make it look like a human face they also felt that releasing the images would ignite public interest in mars which they did and the face soon became a pop icon in its own right featuring in countless books magazines and  tv shows despite knowing it was just a coincidence the mesa was a top priority site for imaging when the mars global surveyor reached the planet in 1998 and again in 2001 to everyone's dismay these new higher resolution images simply showed a large landform and all signs of human features were nowhere to be seen

The Red Rectangle Nebula

first discovered in 1973 the red rectangle nebula is a particularly unusual formation that's around 2 000 light years away from earth it had long been known that there was a binary star system in that region of space but it was only when it was properly imaged that scientists realized that this was a stellar object like no other it's a surprisingly symmetrical bipolar nebula that almost looks like a cut gem floating in space the main star at the center is in the last stages of life and is ejecting huge amounts of material including polycyclic hydrocarbons and silicate-rich dust which are responsible for its red color the ridges too suggest the star has been releasing matter and pulses which have been shifted by interstellar winds and the closeness of the ridges towards the center implies that the process is increasing in speed and it may not be too long until the star finally dies what's mysterious about the red rectangle nebula though is that most evidence that's needed to understand how it formed is hidden behind the nebula itself so the current theories about its existence are nothing more than an educated guess it's now being constantly watched though so if any changes do occur scientists will be ready to analyze the new information


Peggy Saturn

 the earth's moon was formed in the nascent stages of our planet when a massive impact with another stellar object cause a huge amount of material to detach and form into its own piece of rock but not all moons are formed this way some are meteors that have been captured in orbit of a planet and others simply form in place a process that had never been seen before until 2013. near the edge of the rings around Saturn a small 1.2 mile wide formation was spotted because it reflected a lot more light back than the dust that surrounded it astronomers were excited to find that they'd be able to witness a moon being formed but these hopes were dashed in 2014 when images failed to find this new moon that had been called Peggy the following year when the Cassini probe took images of the rings Peggy Saturn was once again seen but this time it was a lot smaller and there was a large rock orbiting very close to it it's thought this must mean that Peggy collided with another piece of rock and broken too Peggy Saturn has now moved further into the rings it's thought likely that it'll contact a lot more material with the ring itself and potentially become two or three times the size it is now over the course of a few decades or it'll be broken up and returned to the dust from whence it came as the formation of a moon like this has never been documented no one's sure quite what will happen


Magnetic Rogue Planet

planets are formed when discs of material orbit around a star and coalesce but it's always been a mystery what happens to them when a star dies or whether it's possible for one to form outside of a solar system so-called rogue planets have long been a top target for researchers but the fact that if they exist would be in the deep recesses of space without any light sources it's almost impossible to actively search for them in 2017 though astronomers announced the first such discovery a planet called simp0136 it's a brown dwarf so it's somewhere between a planet like we normally think of them and a star and it's thought to be around 12 times the size of Jupiter thought to have originated in a nearby group of stars but there's one thing that's particularly stood out about this discovery researchers noticed that it produced its own auroras similar to the ones that we see on earth which meant that it must have its own magnetic field wasn't known for sure whether this was possible especially for an object that had been adrift for so long but the mechanisms behind its occurrence are still not understood



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